Any one have hair loss following surgery?

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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
New Jersey
I had complications and was in the hospital 16 days total after my AVR. When I came home, nobody told me that I had two huge bald spots where my head was on the pillow in the hospital! I was so upset with my husband and friends. I showered in the hospital toward the end of my stay and not even the nurses told me. I brushed my hair daily of course but I was too weak to notice since I had enough hair to cover the spots.

My cardiologist claims it's from my head rubbing the pillow but I really think it's from the combination of meds including the amiodarone, poor diet for at least 4-6 weeks post op - I lost 14 lbs and just had no appetite for weeks, double anesthesia for back to back OHS in 2 days, maybe the stress and trauma to my body since I went into v-fib and was shocked 11 times?? He makes light of it and tells me to forget it. I'm ready to forget him!!

I'm now almost 11 weeks post op and the fuzz feels like I haven't shaved my legs in a week (lol) so I know it's growing back slowly. Thankfully, my hair is cut to cover the baldness but when the wind blows, I'm holding my hair in place!

Did this happen to anyone else and, if so, how long did it take for the baldness to fill in? I'm taking vitamins and excercising and eating right. I know I went through a lot and my body is still healing. I'm getting stronger every day and continue my walking daily which feels so great. I started cardiac rehab at week 6 and finished today since my insurance company won't cover it but it helped tremendously. My sternum still feels like I always have a very tight bra on and my shoulders and back hurt when I lie down. I know this is from having my sternum cracked open two days in a row.
When I washed my hair when I got home, hair came out on the comb. That was the only time I really noticed hair coming out, but it was thinner than usual for a while.

The woman who was my roommate in the hospital said she saw her hair coming out on her brush.
It is almost 7 months since my Mitral Valve Repair. I noticed the first 2 months my hair was getting thinner. I have very curly hair and it was parting all over the place. I would go to the beauty parlor every week to have my hair done. I was so upset. A couple of weeks ago I noticed my hair looked much thicker and a lot easier for me to style. I believe I read somewhere about hair loss after OHS but can not locate the article. My memory is still not too good but my hair is coming back yours will also in time. Give it about 6 months
my hair loss (excluding topside) was a side-effect of warfarin.
hair (again excluding topside) came back about two weeks
after stopping the drug.

the silvery-gray that appeared on the sides after surgery is
still with me.
This is a very interesting topic...!

I have lost about 50% of my hair volume the past year +! I am not bold at a specific spot, but I can feel in my pony that I've lost a lot of hair. I had my thyroid tested, etc. and there is no other explanation for it, except that anesthesia causes hair loss.
I'm really glad this thread has been started, my hair has gone really thin, i have had to have it cut shorter, still when i brush it lots come out its a wonder i'm not bald LOL.
I thought it was the stress of all thats happened over the last year, but it could be one of the drugs i am on, i'm going to take some time and go on internet and look if this is the case.
Thanks for bring this subject up
Take Care
This is a very interesting topic...!

I have lost about 50% of my hair volume the past year +! I am not bold at a specific spot, but I can feel in my pony that I've lost a lot of hair. I had my thyroid tested, etc. and there is no other explanation for it, except that anesthesia causes hair loss.
Same here Smiley:(
Though I AM hypothyroid,I had never had any hair loss until surgery and/or certain meds(like beta blockers). I know that hair loss can be a stress response that is termed 'telogen's' ,but in my case it seems to be the BB's.
I don't think this symptom is common in us all,though alopecia is a known symptom of metoprolol,etc. The effect is reversible though if you are able to safely discontinue this med. Unfortunately I cannot at this time.
I think mine is thinner than it was pre-surgery. Also my hairdresser made a remark a hile after my surgery which seemed odd at the time, she said something about it growing back.

My hair is pure white so my scalp is darker than my hair which I don't like when the hair is thin.
Very interesting subject and not one that I really wanted to read pre-surgery :eek:....but better to know ahead of time, I guess.

I have decided to cut a good 3 inches off my (below shoulder) length hair in anticipation of having to clean up lots of hair off the bathroom floor post-surgery.
I will let you ladies know if I have the same experience. ;)
Very interesting subject and not one that I really wanted to read pre-surgery :eek:....but better to know ahead of time, I guess.
If the hair loss is from the stress response (telogen's), it only lasts for
about 6 months for most patients,and it doesn't happen to everyone.
When I first experienced it ,I pm'd alot of members here and alot of
them had never even suffered from don't worry too much.
About 6 weeks after surgery I lost hair like crazy. When I would wash it in the shower my hands would get all webbed with it. Lasted for about 6 to 8 weeks than stopped.
About 6 weeks after surgery I lost hair like crazy. When I would wash it in the shower my hands would get all webbed with it. Lasted for about 6 to 8 weeks than stopped.
Were you taking beta blockers post op and then went off of them?
Just curious since this is what happened with me and then when I started
taking metprolol again...out came the hair,just as you said;in the shower
it comes out,creating webbing on my fingers.
Though I never had it come out in patches..I have what is called 'universal'
hair loss or 'from all over the scalp'.
I'm so glad I started this topic too. I've been researching this subject since I discovered my two bald spots but learned more here from all of you and I feel so much better knowing that this too shall pass. I have always had a thick head of healthy hair and it's depressing to run my fingers through it now.

Debby, thanks for finding the older post. I'm going to read it now.

Ottawagal, please don't stress over it as I didn't notice anyone else in CCU with bald spots and once I was in the Step Down area, patients are walking the halls all day! Remember that I had anesthesia two days in a row and was kept in bed longer because of complications. You will be up in your recliner within one day because all of us on this site will be praying for your speedy recovery!

Thanks everyone for discussing this. I'm so glad I found this forum. My family just tells me to focus on the positive so I'm trying not to be "woe is me" at home. At least you guys let me vent!
I have horrible reactions to anesthesia and stressors. And yes, I had a very large shiny bald spot on the back of my head when I left the hospital after 16 days. It took at least 2 months to grow back. My hair still sheds quite a bit, but it is longer and shiny so I don't worry about it. Making sure to eat enough protein helps with hair growth.
(Before surgery, I also cut my hair to chin length to avoid any hassles)