Any gals here who had a right mini thoracotomy?

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Jul 14, 2014
I underwent surgery on August 22nd to have my mitral valve repaired. A few days later an echo and TEE showed there was still leakage. I underwent a second surgery on September 2nd for re-repair. The surgeon went back in through the same incision. I feel like the pain from both surgeries hit me all at once following the second surgery. Now at 18 days post-op - from the second surgery - I’m still having pain, not from the outward incision, but more inside the right side of my chest. I’m assuming it’s muscle and nerve pain. I’m only using Motrin right now, which barely handles it. I had oxycodone and tramadol, but quit them because they made me feel so headachy and nauseous. Anyone else have experience with right thoracotomy pain?
Hi Dlraff, congrats on making it to this side of the operating table, even if it took them two tries. Mine wasn't a right Thorc. I got the whole stem to stern midline. This was my 4th and as my hubby likes to put it, they just followed the dotted line. Since you titled the thread any gals.... I thought you might be looking for some advice for those of us more endowed than the guys on the forum. We do have some different pain issues than our flat chested brothers. My incision and muscles pain lasted well into the 4th month postop. It's only really been this last week or so that I've noticed a significant change in the muscle pulling feeling. Part of the problem was the weight of my assets pulling on strained muscles. For the first several weeks postop, I found it VERY helpful to wear the surgical bras I got from the hospital. Even wearing them at night. If you didn't get any or didn't keep them, any of those soft bras they sell at Walmart now a days will work. Just something to give some support and take the weight off those muscles as it were. The soft bras should be ok along that scar, maybe place a couple gauze pads on top to give a little cushioning. At night, I would place pillows along my sides to sort of bluster my breasts so the weight of them flopping to the sides wouldn't pull on the incision. You might try a modified version to accommodate the side scar but still relieve pressure.

I also noticed a HUGE improvement when I switched off narcotics to the NSAID (Voltaren) that I take for my plantar Facitis pain. The anti-inflammatory in that really helped my chest. I have a mechanical valve, so am on Warfarin. I consulted with my Coumadin clinic about needing to start my Voltaren for my foot back up once my Coumadin got fairly stable. They weren't too happy about it but understood it's the only thing that works for my foot and agreed to work with the two meds and me. We just adjust the Coumadin accordingly to make sure my levels don't get too high.

I hope these hints help and that you're feeling better soon. Hang in there! You'll notice huge improvements each week but it does take a while. Best of luck! Linda
Thanks for your reply, Linda.
It seems most people have the full sternotomy so I was wondering if the pain from a right mini thoracotomy is different. I suppose both are similar as far as internal pain. My pain now is just below the top surface of the right breast even though the incision is below the breast. So it has to be the muscles and nerves healing. And probably scar tissue developing. And since I had surgery twice I think I have more pain. Just wish I knew how long it will take to go away. Some days are better than others. Best of luck to you also on your continuing recuperation. Diane