Any archery hunters

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Active member
Mar 6, 2010
Summerville sc
I am scheduled for a minimal invasive AVR on Tuesday. I love to bow hunt. I was wondering if any of you have had this surgery that bow hunt could tell me how long it was before you shoot your bow. My doc cant really give me an idea because he never has pulled a bow back but thinks it will be awhile. I will take as long as I need was just wondering if anyone had any experience with this.

Thanks Bryan
While I am not a bow hunter, I still do on occasion, compete in indoor archery leagues. After I had my 3rd OHS in 2006, I picked up my bow to participate in an indoor archery shoot in the Spring of 2007. I was pulling back 40 lbs & believe me, that was all I could muster. (When I started shooting practice for that tournament, I was started at 35 lbs & worked myself up to 40 lbs.) And I'm happy to report I came in 2nd place of which I was very proud! :)

Depending on how you are feeling, after your surgery, ask your cardio if he thinks it would be a good idea for you to start shooting. I wouldn't consider shooting though until at least 6 months or more, in my opinion. And you are going to have to start at a very minimal weight & gradually work yourself up as I did.

I will be thinking of you on Tuesday & wishing you the very best of luck with your surgery! :)

P.S. I was trying to upload a picture of me in that tournament but could not!
Best of luck with your upcoming surgery. Yeah, it might be a while before you can pull a bow for hunting.. should have close to full ability though, by fall. Just don't try to start too early!
Archery Stuff

Archery Stuff

Hi Bryan,

I was pretty much back to doing everything I did prior to regular AVR surgery within three months post-op. This included doing archery stuff. I was shooting my compound bow (70 lb w. 50% letoff) and my traditional recurve bows (50 lb and 55 lbs) easily within two months. I used the archery stuff to get my upper body back in shape.

Physical activity stuff and recovery periods really vary from individial to individual. One really has to pay attention to his/her body and listen to what it's saying during recovery & rehab. I pushed pretty hard to achieve my recovery & rehab goals. Others prefer a more conservative approach.

You'll figure things out as you progress through recovery-rehab. It's really pretty hard to use the experiences of others as a guide. You might be comfortable shooting your bow within a month or two, or it might take lots longer.

Thanks for the replies. The reason I'm asking is this is the first year my son(13yrs old) is bow hunting with me and we were planning a trip to Kansas for some of them big whitetails. I have to put a non-refundable deposit down by April to save our spot. Was just curious if it might happen or not. Hopefully by then I will have a better idea. Thanks again.

You should be OK by the fall for bow hunting.
This isn't the same situation, but a friend had lung cancer surgery in 2001. She was an avid golfer -- played about 3 times a week, even at age 69. She asked her surgeon to do what he could so she could go back to playing golf ASAP afterwards. She was able to -- very gingerly -- play a little golf about 6-7 weeks post-op, but it was still awhile before she could get back into the (sorry for the pun) swing of things. She was a very serious golfer. I'm sure there are some golfers here who might be able to give some insight, too.