Another Texas wife runs husband over!!!

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Well-known member
May 18, 2004
Arlington, Tx.
:eek: Well, it hasn't happened yet, but this could be tomorrow's headline............geez! AS many of you know, my hubby is Mr. Mom this year since he retired from Uncle Sam's Army last he does Katie's PC visits. And typical male, never asks any questions...........grrrrrr! (And I apologize upfront to you rare male specimens who actually do acknowledge your feminine side and ask questions.........heehee! which would cover most of the males here since you are indeed here!)

I have had concerns because Katie's heart rate has been dipping really low at night when she is in a deep 47-48. For a five year old, that is pretty low, so I told Don to be sure and ask Katie's PC for a telemetry unit and a kangaroo pouch. INstead he comes home with Raytel's arrythmia Cardiocall monitor. ????? And can't tell me a damn thing about it! (No, that is not me revving up the car that you hear in the background!!! :D ) Since, I am the one with insomnia, I'm the one that is going to have to figure out this contraption...................sigh! And y'all know how technologically challenged I am!!

Does anyone know anything about this or what to do with it?? I do know that it is not rectal, but it may be soon, just not in Katie's rectum! :D 'cept it won't fit cuz his head is up there...............sigh!

Anyway, any knowledge about this device would be greatly appreciated. I will try and call Katie's PC, but trying to get through to her during my conference period will not be an easy task, so may take a few days.

Thanks and many hugs. J.
I am sorry.. I guess he doesn't ask for directions either? .. I got one of them myself:eek:

I hope you get things all figured out and that whatever is going on with katie is indeed nothing to worry about.
My husband is the patient and I go to all his doctor appointments that aren't routine because he never remembers what they say and he never asks questions. I go to the same group of PCPs for my diabetes and hes always amazed that they sit down and answer all my questions. He says when he goes they are talking as they walk out the door. I tried to tell him nicely that he has to ask questions to get answers, they can't read his mind. Is it a guy thing? I think so.
I've HAD (past tense) who talked as they opened the door with one hand and pushed me through with the other. I voted with my FEET and found another doctor.

I've also noticed that Doctors seem to be more 'polite' and 'considerate' when there is a WITNESS in the room. It is always a good idea to bring your spouse along to help remember and / or take notes.

I also request a copy of the letter sent to my PCP. That helps to jog my memory and often reveals things that were not said during the visit or didn't register at the time, not to mention that it's a good way to verify that your Doctor heard what you said and see how he interpreted you concern(s).

'AL Capshaw'

p.s. BEWARE of those Wild Women from TEXAS guys! :D
Janet if your really ticked at him, you can send him for MY colonoscopy! ;) Perhaps they can find his head?
Oh, Phyllis, thank you.

Oh, Phyllis, thank you.

Phyllis said:
Hi Janet,
Here's the URL for Raytel- hope it helps!

I was so fuming mad that I didn't even think of calling Raytel. I read the info on the site, but am definitely going to have to give them a call as we are supposed to do a baseline first per the site brochure. Guess they can give me further instruction. I'm still a bit baffled as to why we have an event monitor when all I really wanted was a holter. Guess our PC has a bit of a sadist streak.

Thank you so much. YOu always come through when I need you (except when you are out of town :D ). Many hugs and thanks again. J.
Thank you all so much for the empathy............

Thank you all so much for the empathy............

and the laughs. I desperately needed them. To top off my frustration, I am really concerned about Katie's heart rate dropping so low at night and am trying to fight off that prickly little fear that keeps creeping up my spine........sigh! Hope all my worry is for nothing, but you know that damn momma's intuition.................

Marky, nope, a military man ask for directions???? :eek: Just give him a grid coordinate and a map and we'll take ten hours to make a five hour trip! :D

Ross, you got it! Just give me the date and the time. heehee! Payback time! :D

Terry, in this case, it IS a guy thing. Our new PC is blonde and very well endowed. I think Don just stands there drooling, babbling like an idiot, and can't remember his own name, much less the questions I want answers to. :D I find this so hard to comprehend when he has me here at home.........heehee!

Al, you got it. I used to take my little spiral notebook filled with my two pages of questions and did not leave until I had every last one of them answered. The doctor may move toward the door, but I don't budge until I've got my answers. I will check with our primary, but I need answers sooner than she will get that letter, but great idea. Oh, and don't be afraid of wild women in Texas (those were my younger days:D ), just M&Ms or POWs ( mad mommas or pissed off wives...........heehee! take your pick!)

Danny, oh, did you get that snapshot of Don or is that a self-portrait...........can't tell from that angle............heehee!:D Oh, and if that is a self-portrait, it is perfectly safe to walk in Texas - you got all the bases covered, so to speak! :D

Many hugs to you all and thanks again. Will let you know how this evolves. J.
gijanet said:
To top off my frustration, I am really concerned about Katie's heart rate dropping so low at night and am trying to fight off that prickly little fear that keeps creeping up my spine........sigh! Hope all my worry is for nothing, but you know that damn momma's intuition.................

Janet -

I'm with you. To catch a Low HR during sleep, it would seem that a 24 (or 48) Hour HOLTER Monitor would be the instrument of choice.

An Event Monitor requires that the patient be AWARE that something is amiss and that the monitor must be activated (manually). DUH !

Maybe the Doc wants YOU to stay up all night with a stethoscope listening to her HR and then record it when it drops. :confused:

I recommend that you CALL your Doc or his assistant or nurse and get a clarification. I'm confident that you know how to be a big enough PITA to get results! :D

'AL Capshaw'
gijanet said:
Our new PC is blonde and very well endowed. I think Don just stands there drooling, babbling like an idiot, and can't remember his own name, much less the questions I want answers to. :D I find this so hard to comprehend when he has me here at home.........heehee!


I'll send you a bottle of Blissfully Blonde. We'll see what Don does then.... ;)
gijanet said:
Our new PC is blonde and very well endowed. I think Don just stands there drooling, babbling like an idiot, and can't remember his own name, much less the questions I want answers to.

*raises eyebrow*

She single? If so, perhaps you should introduce me when I'm in TX in October ;). He he he

Seriously, Janet, good to "see" you again. Thoughts/prayers coming your way, of course.

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker =
chdQB =
"Your friends have shown a kink in the single life" ... The Raconteurs ... 'Steady As She Goes'
Yep, Al!

Yep, Al!

ALCapshaw2 said:
Janet -

I'm with you. To catch a Low HR during sleep, it would seem that a 24 (or 48) Hour HOLTER Monitor would be the instrument of choice.

An Event Monitor requires that the patient be AWARE that something is amiss and that the monitor must be activated (manually). DUH !

Maybe the Doc wants YOU to stay up all night with a stethoscope listening to her HR and then record it when it drops. :confused:

I recommend that you CALL your Doc or his assistant or nurse and get a clarification. I'm confident that you know how to be a big enough PITA to get results! :D

'AL Capshaw'

I can be a ROYAL PITA. Talked to our PC's nurse today, and they want us to give this a "shot." In other words, they don't want to admit they screwed up.........that or they are getting a royal kickback from Raytel since we have this thing for three months. And yes, you hit it on the head. I am supposed to use this contraption on Katie when I notice she is having episodes of low heart rate. Well..............since she has them when she is asleep, common sense says I will get none - and who is to say that I will even "notice" them all...........argh!. What a sadistic lot. Well, I will give it a "shot," but I suspect that I will be telling them where they can shoot it here pretty soon. :D And then we will get on to a holter, which we should have gotten in the first place. I am assuming, too, (yes, I know what they say about ASSuming things........) that someone at Raytel will be around this weekend to explain this thing. They are supposed to be there 24/7, according to their site. We will see. Many hugs and will keep you posted. J.
Well, Marsha............

Well, Marsha............

catwoman said:

I'll send you a bottle of Blissfully Blonde. We'll see what Don does then.... ;)

That's a start, but it won't help the well-endowed part, unless you also have a bottle of Blissfully Blessed or Blissful Bust or Blissfully Breasted or...........

aw, shoot, wouldn't it just be simpler to gouge his eyes out? ;) :D

Hugs. J.
Yep, she is...........

Yep, she is...........

knightfan2691 said:
*raises eyebrow*

She single? If so, perhaps you should introduce me when I'm in TX in October ;). He he he

single and guessing around 35, but, remember, she is sadistic! That, or she and Don are planning my early demise and spending my insurance money. :D

Thanks for the prayers and good thoughts. It's good to be "back." The start of a new school year always kicks my butt. That and our ISP provider has sold out to Time Warner and they seem to want to do all of their tinkering late at night (the nerve!), which, of course, is when I do all of my tinkering on the computer..........geez! The internet has been out more than it's been up, so, if you hear a loud scream, it's either Don under my tires or me screaming at the computer..............:D

Many hugs and am really looking forward to October. It will be here before you know it. J.
Sending Prayers

Sending Prayers

Janet, I'm sending my prayers for Katie, you, and Don! You need the Holter monitor! These fools that make mistakes, and then don't take responsibility for them, or correct them are too much! I though Danny's pic was of one of my bosses. Though I couldn't tell which one, as several of them look like that to me...?
gijanet said:
single and guessing around 35, but, remember, she is sadistic!

Who cares?!?!?! Ask her to come to dinner in October ;).

gijanet said:
Thanks for the prayers and good thoughts. It's good to be "back."


You are welcome! Always good to see you post ;).

Hmmm....our internet was out a bit last night, too ... very frustrating :(.

gijanet said:
Many hugs and am really looking forward to October. It will be here before you know it.

I sure hope you are right. I need a vacation ... NOW! So lookin' forward to getting back to TX ... even if only for a bit.
gijanet said:
I can be a ROYAL PITA. Talked to our PC's nurse today, and they want us to give this a "shot." In other words, they don't want to admit they screwed up.........that or they are getting a royal kickback from Raytel since we have this thing for three months. And yes, you hit it on the head. I am supposed to use this contraption on Katie when I notice she is having episodes of low heart rate. Well..............since she has them when she is asleep, common sense says I will get none - and who is to say that I will even "notice" them all...........argh!. What a sadistic lot. Well, I will give it a "shot," but I suspect that I will be telling them where they can shoot it here pretty soon. :D And then we will get on to a holter, which we should have gotten in the first place. I am assuming, too, (yes, I know what they say about ASSuming things........) that someone at Raytel will be around this weekend to explain this thing. They are supposed to be there 24/7, according to their site. We will see. Many hugs and will keep you posted. J.

Maybe it's time to write a LETTER to your PCP telling him of your concerns and how his nurse reacted to your suggestion that a HOLTER monitor would be the better choice to track her HR throughout the Day and NIGHT while she is sleeping.

ASK him exactly HOW you are supposed to catch her Low HR with the Event Monitor since you expect it comes in the middle of the night, pointing out that you would have to be awake at those hours to do so.

FWIW, I've noticed that written complaints seem to get more attention and improved response since that becomes part of your / her permanent record.

'AL Capshaw'
Janet, I just love reading your posts! I think that God gave you that great sense of humor because He know you were going to need it! If I were you, I would go back tomorrow and say, well, gave it a shot and the #$% think broke after it hit the wall( of course that would have been after a weekend of NO SLEEP!!) Pick up the holter monitor while you are there. Hang in there. Karen
Thank you guys, again..............

Thank you guys, again..............

and you are so right!

Yep, we did the baseline this weekend..................and I'm absolutely certain that this will not work. There is no way on God's green earth that I will be able to accomplish what I wish to accomplish with this thing (notice I did not say LODGE this thing where I would like to lodge it! :D ), which is to capture Katie's heart rate dropping so low when she is in a deep sleep. It emits a loud beeping type noise, so Katie will never sleep through it! Even if she is only slightly aroused by it, her heart rate will be elevated again...............argh! and will defeat the whole intent!

I'm not in a panic mode, but am concerned at this new turn. Looks like I am going to have to take off work and make the next PC appointment to insist on a holter............sigh! (Can you fire a house husband? :D ) I think I may just take a big jar of vaseline with me in case there is any resistance...........:D

Thanks for all of your empathy and input and will keep you posted. Hugs. J.