angiogram and consultation

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Randy Fecteau

Well-known member
Aug 1, 2011
Windsor Ontario Canada
Hello I had a complete angiogram yesterday. The cardiologist said everything was very good no blockages or heart disease or pressure issues whatever that means. I only have aorta stenosis which he said he could not get the catheder or whatever it is called through it . I now have a consutation in London Ontario on monday wondering if this is a good sign or what to expect now.Will recovery be easier with no other symptoms or heart problems. My appointment is with an associate professor should I insist on having a professor or are they of the same quality of surgeons.
As far as recovery being easier... Theres no way of knowing for sure. Some people report feeling immediately better after surgery because of symptoms being so bad before and others report they feel worse for several months after surgery because symptoms were so bad before. On the other hand some that have had no symptoms before surgery report feeling worse for several months after surgery and others are amazed of how they feel shortly after surgery and had no idea they were feeling so bad in contrast.

Personally I was very symptomatic before surgery. Now a month post op and I do feel better than I did 2 months ago but I don't feel great yet. I'm sure a few more months will pass till I start feeling great. It take time, no way of rushing it. Overall it takes a full year to really "recover"
As far as meeting an assistant, well this maybe okay as long as you meet the actual surgeon before anything is done.
Hey Randy! My cath showed the same thing, no other issues except the valve, which they couldn't get the wire thru either. My cardio said no other issues is a great thing so I went with his enthusism. Surgeon didnt like the wire not going thru, he wanted to know how long a dacron tube to put in for the accending aorta. The more doctors and pros around the merrier! Bob
London Health Science is a teaching facility and NOTHING happens without full guidance. Between London Health Sciences and the Ottawa and Montreal Heart Institudes they are on the leading edge of cardiac surgery YOU ARE IN GOOD HANDS that is why I asked earlier if you were going to London :thumbup:
Randy, during my heart cath, I, too, learned that I had no other heart problems. My surgeon said almost the same thing as did Bob's. The healthier you are at the time of surgery the greater likelihood that your recovery will be excellent. Not having additional heart problems that must be addressed during surgery should mean that the process is less complicated and that usually translates into a shorter time on the heart lung machine which many people feel is better for a good outcome. As Julian, pointed out, though, how healthy you are at the time of surgery doesn't necessarily predict your experience during the first week or so after surgery; still, your long term recovery should be excellent.

Being in good health at the time of surgery does not change the basic recovery schedule. It takes about three weeks for your incisions to heal both inside and outside. That's the time you will feel weakest and need to be careful to get plenty of rest and avoid stressing yourself. Even during that time, however, you need to be walking several times a day; just don't push yourself. That said, I found I could walk half a mile three or four times a day by the end of two weeks without exhausting myself. By the end of the third week, I felt OK walking a mile at a time without a problem. Just keep in mind that one person's experience does not translate into your own.

After that first three weeks, Randy, you must still be careful not to stress your chest muscles in order to allow your sternum to heal completely which will take another nine weeks. By the end of those first three months, you will be able to safely begin a full exercise program including upper body work. It can be tempting to push beyond your limits during those three months. Consider, however, that during that time you are preparing your body for living a good life.
