Alicia Udate Thursday

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Talked to Ali this morning briefly. They were getting ready to disconnect wires and clean her up and such. She is doing really really well, still has a lot of pain which is to be expected, but it looks like we are in the upward swing. I am sending the card out tomorrow morning as I got sick again last night and want to make sure I don't end up in the hospital again. Anyone that has sent me an email for replied will have their name added. Will update again tomorrow and should have more information on when she is coming home. Thanks Everyone

Lisa Herschelman
Woman we need to keep you healthy somehow. I hope you stay well for a long time to come.

Thank you for the updates once again. She should be coming home very soon.
My name too

My name too

Lisa, Really wanted to cal Ali but please add my name to card..Thanks a million and you stay well..Bonnie
Here I am following that Bonnie, again.

Some times it seems I am stalking her and hensylee. I really just can't think for myself and need leaders.

I, of course, add my good wishes for Ali and all our heart buddies.

You take care of yourself, and thanks for all the good info and support.

Best Wishes.



Thanks again for all of your posts. I knew God would be by her side and I hope He also watches over you. Please get well and stay well. I will also add you to my prayer list and ask God to keep you is His care. I am in a quilting group in my church (no I don't quilt, but I can sew up the ends for the girls that do quilt) We make quilts, both lap and full quilts, for many, many sick people in my area. We start each meeting with a devotional and prayer and I will include prayer for both you and Alicia in our next meeting. Thanks again Peggy
You are such a nice and caring person. Thanks again for keeping us updated. Please don't try to do too much when you aren't feeling well. We need to keep you healthy. You have been through so much lately. Take care of yourself.

Hi Lisa-

Please add my name, if I haven't asked you already. I'm so happy that Ali is doing well. It's just great.

Take care of yourself, we want you here and healthy with your sunny face.

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