After surgery pain

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Jul 17, 2014
Spring Hill, Fl
Many of the posts complain about the pain that goes with the AVR. Is it because the pain medication is with held or the patient didn't ask for it. My TAVR is coming up soon and I worry about this issue. I have a low threshold for pain. More concerned about after surgery that the surgery.Am I being realistic or just unnecessarily worried?
I don't remember reading that many posts that deal with pain after replacement. In my own case, the pain was much less than that which I experienced with other surgeries. I remember two times post-surgery when I had real pain: when the drainage tube was removed and about seven days post-op when I had a bout of coughing. You will be sent home with a prescription for pain meds so I think you're probably worrying needlessly.
I don't think there should be many pain issues with TAVR as it is not open heart surgery as with regular aortic valve replacement. With TAVR the valve is threaded through an artery so they will give pain meds in the area where the artery is, but it shouldn't be much different from other catheter type procedures ?

When it comes to open heart surgery that can be a different matter. I had a lot of pain post surgery, I wonder if it is becuase my sternum is depressed so they would have had to maniputed it and my ribs more during surgery than if I had a regular sternum - I've no idea and I haven't asked. I didn't have any pain when I was in ICU and on morphine, but once I got into high dependency they put me on other pain meds which weren't so effective and had bad side effects so that I ended up not being able to take any pain meds and had bad pain for several weeks….but that wasn't TAVR which you say you are having, that was regular cut through the sternum surgery. Funnily enough the drainage tubes being removed didn't hurt one little bit ! Different type of pain I guess - the sternum pain is bone pain. You won't have drainage tubes anyway with TAVR.
I had a (different) valve repair catheter procedure (valvuloplasty) and the pain was zero either during or after - I guess they managed everything during, and afterward I just didn't have any sensation of pain at all. Hope the same is true for TAVR. It's awesome you get the chance to go that route.