After AVR, Could This Be Heart Failure?

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Active member
Feb 28, 2013
Philadelphia, PA
Im 11 weeks out of AVR and aorta replacement and I still cant breathe correctly. This isnt something that comes and goes. This is something that has been a constant since I awoke from surgery. I need some help from people on here that may have experienced something similiar to these symptoms......

- Like I said, my breaths are very short. My deep breaths dont get all the way to the top of the breath. And when they do, there is a popping or a pushing thru feeling where my heart is, as if its the breath is fighting thru something to complete itself. I have shortness of breath on both rest and exertion. But, lying flat doesnt increase it. Its a constant.

- When the breath does push thru and lets me get a deep one, there is a sharp quick pain on the deep inhale over my heart.

- When I sleep on my left side, I get numbness in my arm, palpitations, and shortness of breath. And this all happens almost immediately as I roll onto my left side. So, I must sleep on my back or my right. This was happening a few months before my AVR, so its been about 7 months total.

- When I sleep flat, I wake up with a dull pain over my heart, that lasts almost all of that day. When I sleep in a sit up position, I do not wake up with this pain.

Well, those are my symptoms. Ive had an Echo 7 weeks post-op, a chest x-ray 6 weeks post-op, and a stress test last week which all came back clean. The only meds I took for this problem was a cycle of Prednisone which didnt work, and lasted about 10 days.

I am currently on 2.5 mg of Nebivolol and 20 mg Furosemide. I got a Bovine Valve.

In my stupidity, I searched the internet last night for answers to my symptoms, and congestive heart failure is a possible diagnosis from my search. My tests were clean, so far. Could something have went wrong during surgery to cause heart failure in the patient?

My biggest problem is the breathing. Its so annoying and discouraging not to breathe properly.

So, im asking if anyone has had any or all of my symptoms, and what was done about it?
What other radiology tests or blood tests would you recommend me asking my cardio about?
It has to be my heart or lungs, correct? I can blow that spirometer thru its roof everytime I do it, but cant thru telling someone a story without being out of breath by the end of it.

Right now im scraping. Im even turning to the intenet, which I know is terrible to do. My cardio just keeps trying to send me for other tests, like a Chest Floroscopy this week. Should I just ask for a CT scan or MRI? Which would be better? Thats why any advice or opinions at all would be greatly appreciated. I gotta go back to work next week if i get cleared. This is awful.
There have been a couple of people on here over the years who have had a paralyzed diaphragm after heart surgery. Don't know if that's what you have, but you haven't mentioned it as a possibility, so I thought I'd bring it up as something else for you to consider.


Thanks kfay. Im going to get a test for that specific thing this week. The Chest Flouroscopy tests for diaphragm funcion. Thanks for your help.
If your tests came back OK it's unlikely you have heart failure. I don't think you would have passed the stress test if you had heart failure. You might need chest physiotherapy for your lungs, to give them a kick-start.