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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2011
Lakewood , Washington
I'm thinking of returning to work after the first of the year, it will have been 2 months recovering by then.
I'm not total pain free yet , still have some back pain but getting by ok. I have been driving, I notice I have pretty sharp pain when
looking back when pulling from parking place, or looking far to one side. I don't drive for a living so not a problem their.
I work for a large manufacturer, the building is larger then a football field and filled with moving equipment. It is my job to maintain this equipment, I have skilled workers I manage to do the labor, but I still have to have boots on the ground to verify issues and work completed.
Some of this involves ladder climbing but not a lot.
My surgeon has released me to return on Jan 4, my concern is I'm thinking I'm not ready for 50-60 hr work weeks.
I have began to try and get up early and I'm struggling to get going, I used to get up at 4am each day and was at work by 5am.
The last couple days I began to get up at 5 am , trying to get it together for the Jan.4 date. I also notice I tire more during the day, not everyday some are
better then others.
I have another post op appt. next week. I am considering asking the surgeon to put me on half days for the month of Jan, to ease me in.
I have worked at this place for 36 years and what I can tell ya, once your mercy... ..Ha ha ha.
Has anyone else went back to work on a part time basis ?
I just don't want to jump in if I can't give 110 percent...I just don't feel I can do it right now. Maybe things will change in the next couple weeks??
I do want to return, I'm feeling a little disconnected.
Yeah, the "disconnecting" can come and go :)

But since you wrote that a week ago, do you feel noticeably better?

If you do go back to work as soon as you're thinking, make sure you're cleared for the ladder-climbing by your surgeon.
Hey Brad,

I'm experiencing some of the same things you are, with regard to losing energy later in the day and not being able to wake up "right away". I'm not TOO worried about it, myself, YET. I will return to work 01/06/2012. My surgeon will require 5-hr days the first month back to work, after 01/06/2012. Hope you've talked to your surgeon about your concerns; they generally will work with you in regards to notes for your employer....

Cort | 38.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 5 MCs + 1 Caprice Classic
* Radio.HolidayCDshowcase | 12.24.2011 | Noon-4p.CENTRAL | *
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I'll second the motion toward starting gradually. I work in the office of a busy metal fabricating shop, and when I returned to work I started out at 3-4 hours daily, then every week or so I added an hour or two, until I was back at my pre-surgery norm of 10-11 hours daily. Some days were easier than others, and even now at 10 months out, I sometimes have days when I just need to close out early. Listen to your body and just do the best you can -- soon you will be back at full intensity.
I highly recommend easing into it, and would recommend half days for at least a week if not longer. I was on half days for two weeks, but after one week I went full time. That week of half days was a godsend.