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Hi everyone:

My name is Elisha. I just registered on the site and I am very excited to finally be able to talk to people who are and have gone through what myself and my family are going through right now. Here's a quick rundown.
My brother Robert is 34 years old. He has cerebral palsy and some mental retardation but he is awesome. Well back in feb he had a CBC and it came back that he was anemic. After going to a hemotologist and having a blood culture done, they found some bacteria growing. He was diagnosed with bacterial endocarditis with some vegitation on the valve and leakage. He is currently on week 4 of rocephin via a picc line and seems to be doing pretty good. The cardiologist has told us that the aortic valve will have to be replaced, but right now he is not at the point where it had to be done as an emergency case. We are all just worried about that. I know that medicine has come along way, but it still is really hard to imagine. Right now we are taking it day by day and keep hoping that the vegitation does not break off.
We see the infectious disease dr tomorrow, and the cardiologist next week. Any info that have would be greatly appreciated.



Elisha, Let me welcome you to this very informative site. I am very sorry to hear about your brother. I hope things turn out well. Keep coming back often. I had a picc line for 6 weeks after my 3rd heart surgery. No fun at all. My thoughts and prayers will be with your brother and yourself. Peggy
Hi Elisha

Hi Elisha

Welcome to the site. This is a great place to learn about prospectrive heart valve surgery, treatment, and recovery issues. I'm still waiting for surgery, but have learned a great deal which has made the understanding and anxiety much easier to deal with. I encourage you to spend a lot of time going through all of the posts. You will learn an incredible amount in a short time. I also encourage you to ask as many specific questions as possible. I'm not an expert on much, but there are a lot of people here who can help. I hope you and your brother get to know us and become part of the VR.com family, and of course I wish you well in the process of getting through some medical issues. Chris
Welcome to VR Elisha

Will this be your brothers first or second valve surgery?

One thing is for certain, there will be no surgery until all signs of infection are gone. Picc lines aren't any fun but it beats being restuck with Angiocath needles every 3rd day.

We're here to support, encourage, and help ease the tensions, so please ask your questions at will.
Hi Elisha-

Your brother surely has had his share of problems. You sound like such a loving sister.

Heart valve surgery is highly perfected surgery. The surgeons who do this are absolute experts at what they do. It sounds daunting when you first hear about it, that a surgeon will be going into the heart and replacing a valve, but they do it every day, and sometimes, more than once a day. Everything inside your brother's heart they will know how to fix. He has his youth on his side. He should come through it beautifully.

He will need lots of care right after surgery, but somehow, I don't think this will be a problem. I see his family as really rallying round him.

Welcome to this site and please post often and let us know how things are going.


Please keep in mind some of us will be more concerned with how you are doing then your brother. That is because we know what kind of care he will be getting. What level does he funtion at? That will of course direct how diligent you will need to be post op.
So feel free to let us know how YOU are feeling even if thier's not much to say re your brother.

Medtronic of Borg
Welcome, Elisha - we love our brothers, don't we? Mine has Parkinson's and he is so special to me.

This is a great place to be for questions that you have. So much information and support. As you can see, you get answers right away for anything you want to ask about. Please keep us informed as time passes.

And as Ross says, and knows from experience, no surgery til infection is cleared. God bless


Hi, Elisha. I have been away from this board for awhile, but thought I should post since I have had endocartitis. I don't know if anyone else at this site has. I was 43 in 1994 when I became ill w/the infection. Prior to that, I didn't know that my valves (all 4) leaked. After the antibiotics treatment was finished (8 weeks), I was left with a moderate leak in my aortic valve. It didn't have to be replaced until 2000.

I am so sorry your brother has to go through this. My nephew also has cerebral palsy, but he is fortunate enough that it is mild, and he is otherwise healthy.

Please write me if you have any questions. Regards, Renee