A new member of the arrhythmia club

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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2007
Osaka, Japan
Greetings everyone.

Well, I'm just about 2 years out from my AVR and last night I had my very first bout with arrhythmia! I held out for 14 hours before going to the hospital.

I know that most of them can be benign, but just wanted to make sure. I had no other symptoms, and luckily it showed up on the EKG.

I asked the doctor which one I had (PVC vs. PAC) and he told me that I've got PACs. I guess I'm an official "PAC-man" now.

I guess it goes to show you that they can pop up anytime no matter how long ago you've had the operation. Oh well, at least I know what they feel like now.
Lotsa fun those arrythmias. I had one, and in the UK we can ring an advice line - NHS Direct - and talk to a nurse. As soon as I metioned heart valve replacement she said go straight to A&E (aka ER), so I did. Anyway got wired up, and "ventricular ectopics" was the answer. They didn't seem concerned, have upped my Atenolol to 25/daily, was 25 every other day. We'll see how we go.

Yeah, this sucks! I'm nearly 3 years post surgery, and developing irregular rhythms. Thought that was all behind me.

Hope all stays well for you Wes.
Attempted to have ablation this past friday, but they couldn't proceed after they got in there. I suppose I'll just live with it until we try a medicine. Gee whiz...
Wes, I'm sorry that you have had the arrhythmia experience, but you are more than
welcome to join our little PVC/PAC/SVT club..... :)

Here in Ontario, we also have a 24 hr health help line staffed by nurses, and when I
called them a couple of times immediately post op they also referred me directly to the
ER when I mentioned OHS. It's always a good idea to have an EKG tape run and blood
tests taken to rule out other issues.
Wes, sorry to hear of your PAC's.Here I'm seven months post-op and thought I was in the clear (have never had one).It seems funny that this could pop up two years after.
Hmmm well this is a disheartening thread. I had no idea that these types of arrythmia problems could occur so long after surgery. I too would have assumed I was in the clear after two years... There is still soooo much I don't know. I just keep trying to soak up all I can through this forum which has been a Godsend to me.

Here's hoping it doesn't return again - assuming it is gone??. I too wonder how you know that you have it. I guess you just do - you seemed to for sure.

Ectopic beats (PVCs and PACs) can happen to people who have a perfectly normal heart. I suppose that if they occur really a lot, that could be a problem, but if they just occur from time to time, I don't think it is anything to worry about.
Count your blessings that you had two good years. I, too, am a pac (woman) as well as atrial tachy's and I know from first hand experience that they are not fun when they are non-stop. I hope that you are just having a weird little blip and they disappear on their own.

I hated that arrythmia club! :( I had issues around 3 weeks after my surgery and my cardiologist (or my now 'ex'!) put me on a drug that I had a terrible reaction to....almost died actually. I got through it and have been in normal sinus rhythm ever since. My brother, who had a MV replacement, has issues with arrythmia. Good luck! I hope it's gone soon.

thanks to everyone for your swift and encouraging replies. Yes, I afraid the abnormal rhythms can come at any time.

The doc said that it could be related to stress or fatigue, two things I've had a little too much of lately. I've got an appointment on Monday with my cardiologist anyway and hopefully he can shed some more light.

I've been feeling absolutely terrible for the last 2 months or so and have been to the ER half a dozen times. They all say it's asthma related. I'll have my doc test me for endocarditis just in case (even though I don't have a fever)
Good luck wes, hope that works out. I got sent a request to come in for one of those 24 hours ECG monitor tests, that'll teach me to go to A&E/ER!
Hi Wes,

Welcome to the club. Not that we don't want you as a member but I hope your membership is short-lived. Best wishes.