A Little Perspective

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2007
Silverdale, Washington
just watched this really cool interview with journalist Charlie Rose and Dr. Alain Carpentier from another post. He is the renowned cardiac surgeon who developed the bioprosthetic valves and who saved Charlie Rose?s life. Mr. Rose was traveling overseas to interview a foreign diplomat, (In Pakistan I think) and he developed complications from a mitral valve that required surgery. At any rate Dr. Carpentier said something really profound at the end of the interview with Mr. Rose was thanking him he said something like ?I fixed your valve but God saved you.? What a humble and profound statement.
So, with that said it just hit me today that I have done everything I can to find the best surgeon possible and having moved forward with surgery in the best timing I can and although my surgeon will likely do his best to fix my heart it is God who will be choosing to save me. I believe fully that my time on this earth is not complete. Otherwise, God would probably have not given me the opportunity to fix this?I would have just slipped from this earth like John Ritter or the thousands of others who die every year from aortic aneurysms. Instead, I get this second chance at life and I am not going to take it lightly.
Through this entire journey I have encountered so many people, most of whom I have not personally met, who have taken the time to express a personal interest in me and my situation and who have extended themselves in ways that previously I would have though unimaginable. I have received hundreds, yes literally hundreds, of email from people offering me encouragement, advice, friendship, and who quite literally have probably helped to save my life. If it weren?t for the very direct advice of a few people I would have probably just put off my surgery and not fought so hard to find my surgeon and get this surgery done before it is too late. I truly believe that God brings people into our lives at just the right time.
Last night I had the pleasure of speaking in some detail to a man from California through the Mended Hearts organization. He openly shared his story with me which was much more dramatic than most can imagine. He ended up fully dissecting his aorta and very nearly lost his life. He spent 5 days completely unconscious in ICU on a ventilator after 11 hours of emergency surgery. As a result of his situation he can no longer pursue his career as a nurse, and has a lot of lingering health consequences. Although he is very lucky indeed to even be alive his life has forever been changed. Talk about making lemonade out of lemons though?this incredible man has devoted his life to educating health care practitioners, particularly emergency room staff who are on the frontlines of seeing these kinds of things, to recognize the symptoms of aortic aneurysm so help can be administered quicker. In his case he suffered for 74 hours before they finally did a CT scan and saw what was going on. I
t made me realize that I am one of the lucky ones?that I have this incredible chance to get my aneurysm taken care of in a controlled environment, by the doctor of my choice and to most likely have a completely normal life after this. I felt so humbled and almost ashamed because who am I to feel sorry for myself?I should thank God every day and feel like the luckiest woman alive to have been given this second chance at life. I am NOT going to take it lightly?I hope to live the rest of my life with passion and understanding that each day could be my last?I once heard it said that when you fully accept the fact that you ARE going to die?..only then can you truly start to live.?
Just my thoughts for today.....thanks for listening....
Sounds like you are peace with all your decisions. May God Bless you and your family. I will be following you into surgery a few weeks after your journey. I look forward to hearing about your smooth sailing recovery.

Mended Hearts

Mended Hearts

Hey Harley,

Hopefully, you'll have an opportunity to visit with some more of those Mended Hearts folks after your surgery. I still have the chest pillow they provided for me following my surgery; they are great folks.

Things in our lives usually seem to happen for a reason. As other members will no doubt confirm, OHS can definately give one a new perspective as well as a new lease on life. Hang on to your confident, upbeat attitude; you'll do fine.

What a wonderful outlook, Lorie! God bless you as you meet this challenge.

The Mended Hearts organization does great work. I, too, still have the heart pillow they gave me after my surgery and indeed I still sleep with it. Your post reminded me that I want to look into joining the local chapter and doing some volunteer work with them myself.

Sending my best wishes and of course my prayers....
As they say.....hold that thought!! :D

Congratulations, Lorie. You have made peace about this adventure. Good work!! That is a very tough journey. You've done well. And by the way....thank you for bringing us along on it. Your words, the depth of your searching, these are all wonderfully candid and educated thoughts. We who are here with you now appreciate them....others in the future will also appreciate them.

So hang in there. You are strong in this moment and may crumble in the next. It is a teeter-totter, roller-coaster...you name it......intense time. Don't let your natural emotions alter your new conviction. It's all good.

Best wishes to you!!!



Dear Lorie, Wow I loved everything you said!! I had the same sort of revelation yesterday when I was doing my normal worrying about my upcoming surgical appt. on this Wed. and then I started thinking WOW how lucky I am to be able to have this surgery and have the opportunity to be healthy again. How thankful for all the wonderful doctors we have to pick from and the fact if we were born 50 years ago and have had these problems there would be nothing they could do. They started doing OHS with the help of the heart lung machine in 1958 and before that we all would have died! WOW we have alot to be thankful for! I also decided for some reason to contact Mended Hearts yesterday and they were very helpful and invited me to there next meeting next week, I'm looking forward to going. I'm also looking forward to joining their group and being a volunteer and giving encourgement to others about to face OHS. We must have been on the same wave length yesterday;) I'm looking forward to visiting you while your here next week. take care Debbie