A good day at the track.

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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2008
Today is day #65 post AVR. rain has gone away, temperature is up, but
still a chilly 20 degrees celcius, yet still warm enough that the miniskirts
have come back out of hibernation.

first one-mile run didn't go too well, started off too quickly, heart rate
jumped to high, and despite slowing to a crawl, was unable to lower it
to my desired range. stopped at one mile, then walked a mile to cool down.

let's try this again, started off slow, wanting to increase distance. managed
to get a good rhythm...not too fast, not too bouncy, heart rate consistent
at an acceptable level.

got to two miles in just over twenty minutes, felt good enough to continue,
so added another half mile, finishing in 25:24. could have continued, but
would have been scolded for doing too much. (next time 3 miles!)

this is good. before avr, i was pretty much toast at two miles (although
running a much faster 15-minute 2-mile). now looking forward to doing
a 5K, that is if i can find one. (they don't like to exercise here)
Good job! I remember that my legs were ready to get back running at a faster pace than my heart and lungs would take me...and I would stop, just like you. It will take some practice to find your pace again......
Good job! I remember that my legs were ready to get back running at a faster pace than my heart and lungs would take me...and I would stop, just like you. It will take some practice to find your pace again......

legs are sore only from running so slowly, all that darn bouncing!
lungs are hardly getting a workout, no problem chatting with all
the college kids (25 years younger than me) as i pass them by.
heart also no problem, but i'm watching my hr monitor so i don't
blow a suture.

i've got wednesday off, so maybe a 4-5 hour bike ride. there's another
village somewhere in the hills i've just got to visit and sample their noodles.

maybe saturday, at 10 weeks, can go for three miles.
i did some hash with the brits when i was stationed in berlin.

oops, i mean i, well you know what i might mean.

strangely, that site is blocked by the great firewall. hash is subversive.
today was my day off, and weather was fine, still a little chilly, only 30
degrees celsius. looking forward to the weekend, mid-30's!

anyway, decided on some bike riding. 9-1/2 weeks, sternum has fuzed!
rode an easy ten miles to the dam, stopped for noodles, then another
ten miles to the sugar factory. this road parallels the new super-duper
high-speed autobahn which gets very little traffic. strange, in communist
land, the freeways are privately-owned tollroads.

so the old road is poorly maintained, switchback curves heading into
the hills, with all the trucks carrying sugarcane, not to mention the
older 33-pax busses loaded to the gills, with huge baskets of chickens
on the roof. potholes, rocks, piles of cane fallen off the trucks......an
adventure with great scenery.

didn't realize until i reached the factory, that it's built on a ridgeline.
at the point where the old road crossed over the freeway, noticed crawl
lanes on either side. so had been riding uphill for 10 miles. just geared
down to spin uphill, heart rate only went over 125 once or twice.

total ride was around 40 miles, around three hours. no heart problems,
no sternum pain. might just be ready to go offroad into the hills.
it's a week later...yesterday was hoping to run three miles for the 10-week anniversary.
sadly, i was unsuccessful. perhaps due to the heat and humidity, or lack of sleep
over the last few days (loud neighbors), or the dumbass kid that decided he wanted
to talk with a foreigner, so he stood directly in my path on the track to chat, hr
spiked to 160. so stopped at 2.5 miles, and will give it another try next week.

so instead bicycled out to the next town east, rolling hills and too much traffic,
with a short excursion into the sugarcane fields to watch the water buffalo.
total distance was 80km, an hour and 45 minutes each way. my popo hurts.

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