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Well-known member
Jan 10, 2005
New York, NY
I asked a question about A-Fib. I am curious about it. I did not ask about my problems with going for surgery. If you do not wish to answer my question about a-Fib. Then forget I wrote I am not seeking answers to anything but a-fib
To be perfectly honest & blunt I am scared $hitless about my upcoming surgery but it will not be put off, prolonged, delayed, etc. I know it needs to be done or I am going to die, really no other options. So I am putting my faith & trust in my Dr's that they know what they are doing & will do a good job.

Yes, set a game plan (get second opinions and settle on doctors you have confidence in), then stick with the plan.

I know many people have a-fib some before surgery and some after surgery. My cousin had a valve repair several years ago and kept going into a - fib. Finally they were unable to get her out of a fib. Harmony, I am not an expert, if she had OHS, the surgeon could have performed a procedure to relieve A-Fib, unless her surgery was many years ago, or ? There are medication to relieve it too.
I have never had a- fib. Althought my Mitral Valve regurg is very bad 4+ I have few symptoms no a-fib, sob I did have a irregular heart beat a couple of times when I took my BP. I had a angiogram a few months ago which shows pulmonary hypertension and and decreased wall motion of my heart. I should be having surgery in a few weeks.
My Cardio told me I have a 30% chance of having a-fib after MV surgery. I dont understand if I never had a-fib before why I should get it after surgery. I am not sure why it develops after surgery with some patients, other members may explain it better...it can be a reaction to the trauma the heart goes through!. I did not have it, but I heard the surgeon asking nurses to keep any eye on my heart rythm...
There are many things I dont understant about OHS. Do not hesitate to vent out and ask as many questions as you need to give yourself peace of mind, but do not waste a very long time or let this delay your surgery...the sooner the better...the answers will come later...concentrate on the positive sides of the surgery ...
Such as why it will take a long time for me to feel as well as I do now before surgery as I will after surgery. The better shape you are in before surgery, the faster the recovery will be. Many members here testify to this. I personally was in a very bad shape before surgery, and from the moment I woke up after surgery I felt better despite the aches and pains
Now I read about statins being bad to take before valve repair. I have been taking Lipitor for about 4 yearsthere are some member on Lipitor...I myself take Simvastatin for cholesterol ......

I am afraid to go for surgery and afraid not to go.

Harmony, it is very normal to be scared and afraid...the fear of the unknown paralyzes our thinking and good judgement sometimes...my fears debilitated me and I kept postponing mine from April to September and right after the urgery I regretted the months i wasted in fear while I could have enjoyed life quicker.
Have faith and trust that all will go well...this surgery is kind of routine nowadays and here we all are a living proof. :)
Have faith and trust that all will go well...this surgery is kind of routine nowadays and here we all are a living proof. :)

Eva, very well said:).

Harmony, sometimes I think that modern heart patients get too much information. Cardios and surgeons go to medical school for a long time to understand and apply solutions to heart problems. There is no way for "lay" patients to fully absorb or understand the complexity of our situation. I do not mean to imply that we blindly follow their advice but, if you trust your cardiac "team" and they say its time......its time.

FWIW...and that ain't much, I don't believe a-fib naturally follows surgery although many of us do experience short episodes of "heart flutter" or erratic heart rhythm.....maybe that's afib, or maybe its not:eek:. In all the years since my surgery, I have never had a doctor bring up the subject of a-fib.

Like many have said, the waiting time before the surgery is the most difficult time. Good Luck:)