A few silly questions

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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2006
Canada .
Hi everyone. I haven't posted for a while , so I wanted everyone to know that I,m doing well at 7 weeks post-op for AVR and aortic aneurism repair. My resting heart rate is down to 72 and I'm walking further each day. My INR has stabilized; it was (2.4) 2 weeks ago, I've been taking 3.0 mgs warfarin daily and my INR is now (2.6). My Dr. says I can retest monthly now but I would still like to have a home test kit! Here are my silly questions;does anyone experience this? When I inhale my heart speeds up and when I exhale my heart slows down? My heart also speeds up at the slightest movement and seems to beat hard whenever my heart rate increases although my stamina is improving? My other question is about mechanical valve info. I've noticed that most of you know exactly which valve you've received. My brochure from my ohs says that I'll receive an I.D. Card from the valve company that is to be carried in my wallet at all times and I should get a Medic Alert Bracelet. How long did it take to receive your Valve I.D. Cards? The valve I've received works very well and I've been blessed with a whole new life so these questions seem trivial but I guess it doesn't hurt to ask. None of my health care workers have been able to answer these questions for me,it's like no-one seems to know. THANKYOU EVERYONE for all the info and support you've given me through pre-op and now post-op,it's been an incredible journey which I could not have made;without you,God ,the surgeon and all of the skilled people in the medical field.God Bless All of You!!!;)
Good to hear things are going well with you, Garth. I can't answer your questions, but they don't sound silly at all to me! I'm sure others will be around shortly to share info. Take care.
Glad to hear you are doing well. Hope things continue on that same path.
I think it is normal for heartrate to change with breathing - if it is not then I am abnormal too.;) :D ;)
You should get your ID card within a few weeks but, if you want to know the type before then, ask your cardio. He should have received surgical notes with the information. You can also call your surgeon's office and ask them. Chances are it's a St. Jude since that is used most often these days but there are a couple other possibilities and you want to make sure the right info is on your medic alert.
Take care and stay in touch.
INR = International Normalized Ratio, or something technical-soundling like that. There are various chemical reactions used to measure the pro-thrombin (PT); they are all translated into one number, the INR. Alternatively, INR normally means It's Never Right.
Glad You Are Well

Glad You Are Well


Glad things are going so well. It took about four weeks for my St. Jude card to come. As far as the heart beat mine seems to do the same thing but the hard beating feeling seems to be less and less daily now. I am 7 weeks post-op also and I just now feel like my recovery is starting to realy take off. I am walking around two mile each morning before work, more if time permits.

Keep up the walking and enjoy your new health:)


what is INR?

A "normal" person's is 1 and a person with an INR of 2 has blood that takes 2 times longer than normal to clot and a person with an INR of 3 takes 3 times longer to clot, etc...
PJmomrunner said:
A "normal" person's is 1 and a person with an INR of 2 has blood that takes 2 times longer than normal to clot and a person with an INR of 3 takes 3 times longer to clot, etc...

Now that is some good info, never heard that before. Thanks
And BTW sounds like you are recovering nicely, keep iup the good work.
I know which valve I received

I know which valve I received

Once again thanks everyone for your help!I phoned St. Jude's with the number Jim L supplied (thanks Jim) and they have no record of me and said I should have received a temporary valve I.D. Card before I left the hospital.With this new info I phoned my surgery hospital again and this time I was referred to the surgical equipment nurse who checked her records.She told me I'd received the Carbomedics 25mm Aortic mechanical valve as the surgeon felt this was the best fit for me.She checked further into things and said the valve registration had been filled out and sent but Carbomedics company never received it?She was really kind and immediately faxed a copy to Carbomedics and I'll receive my permanent valve I.D. Card within a few days.My new valve works great and I feel a little better each day.I saw the heart nurse today and she says my heart rate that revs up so easily will improve along with my fitness over the next 5-6 months and then it will feel more normal to me.This is part of recovery from ohs.Cooker it's great to here your doing well and enjoying your new life.Thanks again everyone and take good care of yourselves! ;)