A 300-Watt Day!

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Dec 26, 2002
Chicago area
Well, here it is Tuesday morning, typical Chicago Grey and wet. BUT I can think back to Monday -- what a beautiful day! Warm and sunny in the Windy City (74 at lunch time). So warm that I had the sun roof open and the CD player up to "cook." Unfortunately, the 275-watt stereo in my car just would not go loud enough to compliment the great feelings that such a pretty day could bring.

Would have taken *at least* 300 watts to even begin to match that day, right Cort?


Steve.... I hear there are places we can go to get light therapy;)
So happy we had a few days of awesome weather here in Chicago. It breaks up the dull "gray curtin" syndrome!

We do look very forward to moving south again one day. Sun, golf and water. For now....it's just not in the cards. :(
Steve and Gina

Steve and Gina

Yes yesterday was very welcome. I didn't know how much more cold weather I could take. I have exactly 2 weeks from this Thurs. before I start going to softball games. I do not want to sit in the cold and snow (been there done that). I can't take the cold like I used to and I'm not even on coumadin. I'm a little south of you guys and it's 55 here in Morris right now. Not bad but certainly not like yesterday. SPRING HURRY UP
Steve! You got that right!!!!!!!! Heh...and sadly, I was driving my 2000...I sssooo wanted to get the older 4 out, but alas, kinda need the extra savings of insurance I'll get by leaving them in storage a bit longer.... Kinda glad I was out of town this past weekend...or I probably would have "broken down" and retrieved them from storage...LOL!

Gina...I may have to get some light therapy...LOL. Hmm...to where in the south would you move?

Pegne...I'm right there with you...tired of the cold, grey weather :(. My Dad manages a city softball team here, so I hear you loud'n'clear about the cold and snow at softball games...LOL. Hmmm...I drove right through your town this past Sunday on IL RT 47 [that new bridge is wonderful!] coming home...believe that was about 4-4:30pm, if I remember correctly. I'll be driving through your town again this coming Friday...en route to Indiana ;).

Cort S, pig's valve & pacemaker-enhanced 29/swm
Instant Messengers...AOL="fc72mc"...Yahoo="knightfan2691"
MC's Future = http://www.projectmonte.com/petition/
My MC Family & Story = http://www.aros.net/~rbuck/cort
G1=1970-1972...72...2nd owner as of Mar '02
G2=1973-1977...76...2nd owner as of Dec '98
G3=1978-1980...79...3rd owner as of Oct '92
G4=1981-1988...81...2nd owner as of Dec '99
Ga=1995-1999...uh, no
Gb=2000-200?...00...1st owner as of Oct '99 ***FOR SALE***
RIP: 1976=Parents' [my] car ... 1988=Silver Bullet
*****WANTED: 87 MC LS (or) Olds Cutlass*****