8 weeks since OHS - All is good

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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2009
Grafton, MA
My update - 8 weeks post OHS 9/23 -

Started back to work (full time) on Nov 10th and that first week was tough to get through later in the day... really could have used a nap just about 2pm each day. The second week was easier to get through and today it actually feels back to normal.

Still walking 30 minutes, but not everyday... maybe 4-5 times a week. I can tell a difference now as before the surgery. Used to get very winded and sometimes dizzy just walking briskly from parking lot into work. That no longer is an issue. After Thanksgiving I plat to start weights, running, etc... Maybe I will even play hockey again !!!

About 4 weeks after OHS, I did have a major problem with constipation... the Atenolol and the iron pill together were stonger than the stool softener that was prescribed. One really bad night (almost had to go to ER)... but all is under control now. Stopped the iron pill and went to a different drug to help along with daily prune juice and more attention to diet. And had I been more attentive, could have avoided it. Out of the surgery, ICU, hospital stay, recovery, etc.. that was the worst. (although I did sneeze once about 2 weeks ago... WOW !! was not prepared for that and laughed about it 10 minutes later. Note to all: avoid sneezing during the first 6-8 weeks !!)

I do still have pain in the chest area, some days worse than others. But nothing that restricts me (for 8 weeks out). I was driving after 2 weeks and I believe that extended my recovery. I take advil at least once a day to help. The pain point seems to get smaller and isolated to the incision and bone mending... right in the middle. I can especially feel it getting in and out of bed. Sometimes trying to take a very deep breath hurts, not always. But, really nothing to complain about. and it is getting better every day.

Overall, I am very happy. I am grateful to the Doctors, Nurses, family and especially my wife for the help and understanding she has given me. And, our common resource right here at VR... awesome site and very comforting to read "real" everyday stuff about our heart problems.

Thank You all for being here.

Congrats Dan,

Sounds like things are going great ! I had my surgery on 7/27 and went back to work on 9/8. For me, the biggest thing was staying focused.... I had a hard time concentrating, and quite honestly, caring. But things have gotten better and I am pretty much back in the grove.

Hope things stay well.
Dan, I know exactly what you mean about the sneezing bit..... ouch! Im 6 weeks tomorrow, and still have some chest pain, but mostly in shoulders, and upper back. Sounds like your doing great. Keep it up!
Thank you for the update, Dan. Reading these "real life" outcome stories really helps those of us gearing up for their first surgery.

Yeah, I haven't found an iron pill I can tolerate either. Otherwise, you seem to be doing very well. Keep it up, slow but sure!
about 4 weeks out I got the hiccups for about an hour-that was NO fun!
Sneezing sucks! they should print that on the heart pillow..Everytime I felt one coming on I would Oh S$#@ and start running to my pillow...My poor husband would say "What?" and by then I would be sneezing..I tried to keep that thing closeby for at least a month. So glad you are feeling better. It gets better every day..
So glad you are feeling relatively well and that you have reached some great milestones. Nothing like a bit of gratitude to put things in perspective. Wishing you a continued smooth recovery.
Glad you are doing ok.....I am back at work for 3 weeks now and still have "sneezing pain" and swelling around sternum stitches, but all is well. Brought my "heart" pillow to work, and clutch it every time someone aggravates me, it's a great prop ;)