8 Week Check Up

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Kiwi Girl

Active member
Sep 28, 2009
Hamilton, New Zealand
Just had an appointment with my cardiologist. Aortic valve is fine, pulmonary valve has a slight leak but they arent worried about it. Had the all clear to start trying for babies. He said I can resume life as normal now :D

Has anyone else had a leaky pulmonary valve?
Hi Kiwi Girl!
Congrats on getting a good report.

Re: pulmonary valve - I have mild-moderate pulmonary valve regurg. and moderate stenosis. I was told (based on the TEE in the OR during my AVR) that my pulmonary valve is also bicuspid (very unusual!). Surgeon decided to leave my PV alone. He said, he is optimistic it won't give me any problems until it is time for another new aortic valve. :)So...I wouldn't worry about a mild regurg. Apparently, pulmonary valves don't deteriorate as quickly as aortic valves (probably not explaining this accurately).

So...go make some hay and have fun in the meantime. You deserve it. All the best,