60 minutes tonight

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2002
Lincoln, Nebraska
60 minutes is doing a story on allegations of unnecessary heart surgeries tonight. Not sure what all the details are but should be worth watching.

Hey Walter,
Thanks for letting us know. It is to bad that we have hospitals and doctors that would take advantage of patients like that and they wonder why people want a second opinion. Thanks again.

Keep your fires small!
Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Heart Center of the Rockies
^0 Minutes

^0 Minutes

Saw the show when it first aired last Winter. Could not
stand to see it again, because it made me so mad the first time.
Tenet's stock took a big hit because of the investigation. Of course the b a s t a r d s all closed ranks behind the doctor because he was making them so much money. CNBC did a big
story about it too. Haven't heard anything else on it.
Do you remember the man on show who thought he was having a heart attack and was advised by the nurse to leave
the hospital. Later he found out he only had an irritated chest nerve. Well the same thing happened to me and I thought for
sure I was having a heart attack. Went to the ER and three days
later with a $17,000 hospital bill, I was given an "everthing is okay" speech. Only later when I saw this show did I realize,
that this irritated nerved can cause the feeling of a heart attack.
Word for the wise- If you think you are having a heart attack
GO TO THE ER NOW!!!! Maybe it is not your heart, but that is for
the doctors to say, not you.
Take care,