6 months post-op

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Johnny Stephens

Well-known member
Jan 20, 2002
Seattle, WA
Well, today marks 6 months to the day since my surgery. Considering I had some very serious complications immediately after surgery, it astounds me that I feel so well!

My only real lingering problem is fluid retention. Flareups are down to every 3 weeks or so, but then I have to call in the "helper" diuretic and spend a few hours draining :D I don't seem to have any lingering soreness or weakness in my chest, so I guess I'm all healed up. I still have to get my weight under control, but hey, at least I'm here to have a weight problem! Having 2 mechanical valves, my surgeon and cardiologist both want me at a 3 - 4 INR (this still seems high to me). If I'm at the high end of the range, I bruise easily (I've got a doozy the size of a baseball on my leg right now!).

Above all, the folks here at vr.com have really done a lot to help me through this. Thanks to all of you, this is a great resource for those of us who have this little adventure in their life. My sincere thanks to you all.


Congratulations on your recovery and I hope all continues to go well for you. By the way my INR is kept between 3 and 3.5 so I don't think that you that far out of the ballpark.

Jay Sullivan
Congratulations Johnny on your 6 month milestone, I'm just around the corner myself. Can you believe it's been 6 months already. Can't wait to hit 1 year, It will be here before you know it. Keep up the good work. Congrats again, Take Care!
Hi Johnny-

Super congratulations to you on your 6 month anniversary. You have had some rough patches and it's so nice to hear that you're doing so well.
I'm almost 3 months post op-Does that count? :(

Congrats Johnny, you to have been a valuable asset to this little community of ours. " Little adventure in life" is an Understatement!

Behave yourself, but keep me in check. You know what happens when you don't. :D
Hi Johnny,

Great news! I remember the difficult time you had shortly after surgery, but it sounds like everything is going very well now. Just think how good you'll feel when you reach that 1 year milestone!

Ron K
Hi Johnny,

Thanks for sharing the good news. It's always good to read that one of us on here has reached a new milestone with positive results. Hmmm... IT's also better to reach new milestones as apposed to headstones!!! <smile>

Hey, your INR range of 3.0 to 4.0 seems ok to me. The aortic valves don't require as high an INR range since the force of blood flow is far greater than the mitral valve,(less chance of clotting). The average range of the mitral valve is 3.0 to 3.5. Sounds like he want you to be on the safe side of that as far as varience is concerned. He is giving you some hegging on the mitral valve. That one is more prone to clot than the aortic.

Keep up the great progess!!

Hi Johnny!

Hi Johnny!

Many Congrats! It's great to hear you are doing so well 6 months later. I'm only 3 1/2 weeks myself. It's nice to hear that you eventually start to feel normal again. Keep up the good work!

Take Care!

Wanted to join the others and add my congratulations to you as well. I was not aware that you had a lot of problems but I am glad that is behind you.

I am now seven weeks and feeling better each day. By the way they are keeping me between 2.5 and 3.5 for my aortic valve. I am currently sitting at 2.8



Hi Johnny, and congrats on the 6 mos. milestone. Here's to many more ahead with equally good results.
Hi John.....MANY CONGRATS on your 6 month mark. Please go and celebrate. We celebrate everything now. May you have many many more years of celebration!!!!!!

johnny hi, i'm a newbie but I want to send my congrats on a milestone and I'm glad your doing so well. It's nice to read that your feeling so well that you are actually astounded. I was in seattle awhile ago and with the pacific and the cascades and the constant view of mt. Ranier it must be an uplifting envirement.
you are an inspiration----thanx
Congrat's Johnny. Glad everything's going well for you. Hope it continues to do so.

I had a recent visit to the UDUB for an echo. Not the greatest news, they said I had decreased left ventricle function. They said it was normal before the surgery. Guess I digress, HAHA. :) Told them I'd get in shape and do lot's of cardio, thought that was better than taking drugs, since I haven't taken anything for a long time. Time will tell.
Glad you're doing well, and as far as that INR goes, just cut down on the bar-room brawls! Congrats on the mile-stone...keep on truckin'!

Sorry to hear about your news. Let us know how it progresses with the increased exercise.

Go, ye double clickers!! Congrats on your achievements, Johnny.
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Hey Chris, sorry to hear that you got a surprise on your echo. I just had one a couple of weeks ago but don't have the results yet (vacationing cardio, doncha know).

Let me know how this goes for you as you ramp up the fitness work....

hi Johnny

hi Johnny

I was delighted to hear things are going so well for you ...you have given me some lovely words of encouragement and for this I thankyou ...you take care of yourself ...enjoy life ...and have fun
Best wishes
Hi Johnny

Hi Johnny

Dear Johnny,

Glad to hear you are doing well. I'm a 6 monther too and I have my good and bad days. I really you were able to attend the reunion. Sure would have been nice to have had you there. Stay well and I'll keep an eye out for you on the site.
