34 hours after surgery

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Well-known member
May 7, 2008
salt lake city, UT, USA
Hi, this is EJ, Brookwood's husband. I'd like to thank you all for your help, encouragement, best wishes and prayers through out this journey. Just a quick update.

My surgery went smoothly yesterday. We spent the night before at the hospital. Surprisingly, I was really calm and actually looked forward to the surgery. Maybe because I knew there was no way back.

The last thing I remembered was waiting outside the surgery room and chat with my anesthetist and the next thing was the tube in my throat. I couldn't move but I knew my wife was in the room. I was happy and I wrote " I love you" in her hand using my finger. The surgery lasted about 3.5 hours and the whole day I was really sleepy.

I spent the night in the ICU. Not much pain because of the magic medicine but couldn't sleep because I was running a fever (normal reaction to trauma in young people according to my doctor). My nurse had a fan and three packs of ice on me the whole night trying to cool me off. Tried tylenol and ibuprofin. Waked up almost every hour and played with my spriometer. Blood surgur was also high. Had four units of insuline to bring it down to normal.

Luckly the termperature backed to normal this morning and I am happily moved to the regular room at 11:00AM. I did all the walk (about 200 feet) from the ICU to the general room. I did another walk of about 400 feet this afternnon. I am feeling great right now and hopefully will be back home this Saturday.

Wife and Kids are doing OK. My parents are staying with us so we don't need to worry about baby sitting.

Good for you EJ.
You might feel good, but remember to TAKE IT EASY! Don't over do it. Eat, breath and walk (slowly) that's all you required to do.

Prayers coming your way for an uneventful and smooth recovery.
HEY what the heck???? What are you doing POSTING?????
Guess you DO need a pat on the back (slap)

I couldn't even focus on the computer 2 months after surgery.
Wow, EJ--it sounds like you're doing very well! So glad to hear it. Hope all continues well for you and your family. Keep right on top of that spirometer; it's very important. Best wishes :) .
Sounds like you are way ahead of the recovery curve. Keep up the good work and get home soon!
Are you sure you had surgery?
I barely remember the first 2 days. WOW, you're doing great.
Maybe it's the age thing.
Don't overdo it now...OK?
Welcome to this side of the mountain. Best wishes for a smooth recovery!

Appears to be just a day trip through the rolling hills on the magic carpet ride through life.
Just got my chest tube pulled out. What a big relieve! Still have the temporary pace wire in my chest though. The most uncomfortable tube/wire/line/cath I've had was the urinary catheter. Luckly I persuaded them to pull it out once I could walk. The procedure of inserting the arterial line on my wrist made me sick because of the blood. I just can't watch blood gashing out.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
EJ, WOW!!!! Are you sure you had OHS ? I hope some of these folks that are still waiting read your post :D.

I can't watch my own blood being taken either. I have been known to pass out:eek::eek::eek:.