3 Year Cardio Check Up--Huh?

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Bina, did you get a post-op release form from RVH? Did you get a pre-op echo report and/or cath report? Did you meet with surgeon post-op? I am just asking as we did get everything (details about the valves) on paper. Cardio also explained it - but to be honest, I did most of the talking with surgeon/cardio post-op as my husband wasn't quite up to it and later he just wanted to get on with his life and not talk about his OHS ever again.

You'd think it should have been mentioned somewhere that you have BAV!:confused:
Bina, did you get a post-op release form from RVH? Did you get a pre-op echo report and/or cath report? Did you meet with surgeon post-op? I am just asking as we did get everything (details about the valves) on paper. Cardio also explained it - but to be honest, I did most of the talking with surgeon/cardio post-op as my husband wasn't quite up to it and later he just wanted to get on with his life and not talk about his OHS ever again.

You'd think it should have been mentioned somewhere that you have BAV!:confused:

On leaving RVH, I got a cardiac discharge summary....one page.
-Principal Diagnosis: Aortic STenosis
-Angio: Valve area .8cm Mean Gr. 22, Peak Gr. 40
-EKG: Normal sinus
Operation: Valve- St. Jude 21 mm
Post op event: Transient SVT with HR 170--- Rx: Sotalol
Discharge meds: Coumadin, Metoprolol, Aspirin.
Surgeon Name, etc.
Follow up with Cardio and GP

I met with cardio at 3 weeks postop and I was a wreck, so I didn't know to ask about more details.
And Hubby never says anything, never asks anything.
Later on I did ask for copies of my echos, but I didn't know to ask for anything else.
The only thing Cardio ever said, over and over, was "you are fixed, get on with your life". Well, some of us like to question, why and how, and what is our future outlook. He never offered any answers to any of these questions....even when he had the post op report with the BAV diagnosis.
In fact, he stood up, and said that other patients were waiting, showing us to the door.:(
Tomorrow I will be calling the hospital and requesting a copy for myself.
I'll pay for it if I have too....hee hee.;)
What kind of muscle/tendon problems do people get with BAV?

These problems and the BAV connection are not always confirmed, but there has been a relation to the thinning and weakening of the walls of the arteries, and perhaps a higher risk of aneurysm. It is a good idea to avoid high BP which would stress the artery walls.
I've read on this site that connective tissues (muscle/tendon) can also be weakened in a person affected by BAV. It is a congenital defect.
I'm not going to obsess about it, but I will take some time to educate myself.
I have another issue to work on also: in my blood test a few years back we checked for ANA (anti-nuclear antibodies) which would help to confirm or rule out various auto immune disorders. My ANA is positive, and it should be neg.
Maybe we are better off not questioning our health and just living our lives.:rolleyes::)
Sorry your doc upset you. Some of those guys have no bedside manner. They have to be good otherwise no one would go to them. Sounds like he needs a new hat. The one he has is to small for his big head! Since you can't walk in the road.......how about a treadmill? That is what I use. Best of luck to you:)
I'm also sorry your cardio treated you in this way.

Treadmill is a great idea. We have one (and use it :) ) for those days when it is simply too cold or icy or too hot in the summer to permit us to walk outside. We much prefer walking outside but having the treadill as an option is great.
I have a treadmill too -- it's boring but I have a book holder and I am teaching myself to read and walk at the same time. I am not much of a tv person.
Thanks, Bina, for the info on BAV.

Good luck with getting your report from RVH and with everything else! Hope your daughter doesn't have BAV!
Best wishes
Today I called the hospital records department and asked about having a copy of my surgery report.
The woman was super nice and said that if I could send her a fax with my ID number and signature,
then she would put the report in the mail. Good!
My mouth dropped open when I read your first post! Well, I'll be D****d! He might be good but he is intolerant. Wonder if he thinks all on the net is bogus. I do believe some drs resent that we can now find stuff they know and then we know it, too.

I'd be upset, too, if I were you. He turned you off after your statement and was skeptical of anything you said after that, but he did sit up and take notice when he made you cry. Shame on him. He wasn't even up on your case. Shame - shame - shame -etc

and goodness, you live on a FARM! You work on that farm and that's really hard work. well, I better stop here - it just makes me ***