2002 Reunion Ideas for Hank

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Yeah, I know it's way too early to think about it, but I figured while the Nashville "Union" is still on our minds and how successful we all felt it was, it would be ok to start up a list of things to think about for next year.

1. I loved Hank's presentation of internet factoids like the most viewed thread, how many "hits" everyone's personal stories received, etc. I think we should rent an OH projector in Vegas so everyone can see Hank's list up front and on a big screen. Hank, you won't mind printing your notes as OH's will you? Or you can get real fancy and do a Powerpoint thing?

2. I am hereby volunteering to create and print color handouts that will at least contain a list of the people in attendance (with addresses, email, etc.), and whatever additional information, agenda, etc. comes up a few weeks prior to the event. I was going to go around and ask everybody for their address while in Nashville...but I forgot. I'd like to send y'all a Chrsitmas card!

I already have one cool graphic surprise that nobody will know about until I get there!

3. Perhaps Al Lodwick can make it from Denver this time and give us some more of his expertise on the subject of Coumadin.

4. That's it for starters...
Hi Perry,

Great Ideas. I like the OH or Powerpoint on the Big Screen.

I also have a feeling that as the group grows and it is, more and more will attend. This creates a challenge for us going out to restaurants as a group. First of all, just finding a restuarant that will handle the whole group in a comfortable setting . One that allows us to sit together and interact, (Not that we didn't in Nashville. hehehe). So, I think we should do some advanced planning and have arrangements made in advance at a few restuarants to insure good seating, perhaps even a private dining room, may be a good idea. I am not suggesting this for every night because there are some nights that people want to explore on their own. But for sure there should be at least one night that we call go out together, and if we do use the OH.. we will need that kind of setting to use the Big Screen.

Or, how did everyone who attended feel about us meeting and having dinner in the Meeting room at the hotel? I thought the food had room for improvement, but having a meeting place like that allowed us to mingle, talk, move around, give speaches, and test our INR. I thought those arrangements were fantastic.

Just think that as we get larger, we need to address some logistical issues so that we can insure a great time for all.

Looking forward to the next one! I can now see why many got together again in Scottsdale after the one in San Antonio. I am really missing seeing everyone this weekend!

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Ideas for Los Vegas

Ideas for Los Vegas

I liked the idea about having dinner (at least one dinner) all together like we did at Nashville Friday night and I suggest we at least arrange for that to occur next year in Los Vegas. If we begin our planning early I see no problem finding a place that can accomodate our group. I'm sure, like before, the majority of us will stay at the same hotel so we can get group rates and as we negotiate for the rates we get a commitment for a private room for dinner or even just a cocktail hour with a buffet.

And, I for one, will be looking around for a golf course and I will be making the plans to incorporate that (for those interested) into our activities.

Maybe we can call it the "VR.Com Open".....? Any ideas or suggestions?


Yeah, baby, good suggestion.

Bob, have you had a golf fix since last weekend?

Hank, please don't feel underwhelmed by these suggestions already. We'll all pitch in and help with the festivities.

The main dinner "meeting" was my highlight of the weekend also. I too, liked the interactivity with all my new friends and SO's of vr.com. A nice, relaxed, long evening of dining and mixing is just fine with me. I see a champaign toast somewhere in this!?

It felt is was difficult to all get together outside of the hotel and decide on a place to go, so the main "gatherings" within the hotel seemed best for all. Happy hours and breakfast groups were just good fun.

Is there an Embassy Suites in Vegas?

Uh-oh, another idea...we could put up an easel (somewhere in the lobby?) with the day's events as they are decided upon. It could also serve as a message center. I can just see the messages..."Billy, where ARE you?" or "Bob's birthday bash tonight at Bally's."

I will gladly supply the write-on easel board.



I think as we do grow it may be difficult to secure a lare enough area for us.
What does everyone think of electing someone to handle our group reservation and set up meeting places for each night or a couple nights during the reunion.
The idea of getting something similar to what we had at Nashville Friday night would be great.
Maybe we should take volunteers for being the "VR.com Reunion Coordinator" then maybe a vote or something.
Just a thought.;)

Gina will probably want to kill us but I agree she would be great.
Love ya Gina.
Anyone think a Reunion Fund would be a good idea for the group dinners/meetings. Forty Bucks is the most I've ever spent for a meal. Yeah, yeah I don't get out much. Oh, it was worth every cent for the company of all there!!!!
Maybe monthly contributions to go toward one big party - Just a thought.

Please, Gina?

Please, Gina?

Now we're talkin' some serious organization!

Gina, please say you'll do it? I'll throw in a tip for ya!

Remember, no matter who does the coordinating, no whining allowed after the decisions are made! Gina will do a great job.

Thank you.


p.s. I've already been to Vegas, so I won't get lost so easy!
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I liked the dinner and breakfast meetings that we did together. That was definitely fun. We do want a dinner meeting like we had Friday in Nashville! I'm all for contributing to a Reunion Fund for next year. Tammy's idea is great.

Gina, from what I've read on the forum before I met you and then meeting you, I would say you are a very much a take charge type person. I've never been to Vegas but if you need help with calling for some group rates, let me know Gina.

RobThatsMe, I agree the food at the hotel on Friday night did leave something to be desired. The choice of beef was okay, I didn't care for how they cooked it. Also my mashed potatoes were lumpy. Was anyone else's?

Perry, I think there is no time like the present to get started for next years reunion. You've come up with some great ideas. I too was going to ask everyone for their addresses and emails when we were in Nashville. Time just went by so fast.
Take care!
Where's the beef?

Where's the beef?

Or not. We can try Chicken, Italian night or something some neutral next time;)
Dinner at the Embassy Suites

Dinner at the Embassy Suites

Personally, I thought the dinner was fine with the exception that the portions were WAY too small. When I get beef, I want BEEF! And lots of it!

Any meal that costs $30 bucks is too much for me. when it's hard to find the money required to keep the electricity tirned on, it is even harder to spend money like that for any meal no matter how good it is.

I think that as our numbers increase (which they undoubtedly will), it will be harder to find restaurants to feed all of us together. It will however become easier and more affordable to do things in the meeting room atmosphere.

Just a comment..
The meal at the hotel was pretty bad but we had no way of knowing before hand. One possible warning sign was that the hotel's chief cook and day bartender were one and the same guy. On a scale of 1 to 10, the meal was a 2 but the company was a perfect 10.

I'll eat over priced cold food and fat disguised as meat with you guys anytime.

love to all.
Go for it Girl!

Go for it Girl!


I've got a feeling that you have accepted the "2002 VR.COM Reunion Coordinator" challenge?

So, is it official?

Thank you, dear Gina!

I look forward to working with you on stuff.

"2002 VR.COM Coordinator"

"2002 VR.COM Coordinator"

Gina is the perfect person for the ?2002 VR.COM Reunion Coordinator? and Perry...... I nominate you for her assistant! :) You guys have already come up with some GREAT ideas! It?s never to soon to begin planning..... I volunteer my services.... just let me know if there?s anything I can do to help.

I totally agree that cost effectiveness should be a #1 priority. The people on our site come from all walks of life... I would hope to make it as affordable to everyone as possible.

Yes, Perry... Hank?s ?factoids? are a must!! Powerpoint would be great for this. He gave us a small dose of that in SAT.... it was a little embarrassing as I recall... but very funny.

What happened to our idea of selling t-shirts?? We could use the profits from that for the party. How about doing dinner on our own one night and having a ?party? afterwards?

Hi Gina,

Whew... this was like getting an Uncle Sam. "Greeting Letter" hehehehe..

Serious though.. I'll be happy to ba a part of the planning group.

I hope we get to plan near a balcony so Bob will be inspired.

Also, I want to signup for the golf outing there..

The conference call sounds good too Gina. Do you think a rough outline should be done before the call?

I knew this home for the week and work at the office was short lived. I just got word I am back on the raod next week.. Until Thurday.. Then... Vacation! Whew,,,,

I do, I mean I will!

I do, I mean I will!


I'm a better follower than I am a leader, so lead me astray any ol' way you you like and I'll do what I can to help.

We can have a "PRE-2002 Reunion Coordination" meeting when we meet around Thanksgiving when you're in town. Do you need my phone numbers?

See ya then.


Thanks, Rob. You're in as far as I'm concerned. Hopefully your back to work will not be too much of a drag. You have that great vacation trip to look forward to, so the work should go much easier this trip. Take care.

I think Bob Gleason would enjoy being in charge of the VR,COM Open, so whatever it turns out to be, Gina and I will add it to the "agenda." Bob, is a "best ball" type of game in the realms of having if we get 3 or more foursomes? Heck, maybe we'll have some prizes for the winners and losers?
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Vegas Coordination

Vegas Coordination

Count me in on the conference call. I'd be willing to help in any way I can.

Never been to Los Vegas, but I am sure we can find a balcony for Ben.

As for the VR.com Open, I can definitely handle that with setting it up, type of golf format and prizes, trophies.