2 year check up tomorrow

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2005
Baltimore, MD
I know I haven't been around much since I have been working my new job. I think about everyone but I am usually too tired at night to log on.
Just wanted to say "hello" to all and tell you that I go for my 2 year ECHO and cardiology appointment tomorrow. I have been a nervous wreck all day today. I had dinner with a friend who had her MVR several months after I did and that did help to calm me.
I was just about 2 years ago that I was told I needed OHS as soon as possible. The I can't believe the scary feelings still come back from time to time especially this time of year. Not logical but feelings usually aren't. I spend all day teaching patients with heart disease and sometimes that can hit a little too close to home.
Thanks for all your support and caring over the almost 2 years I have been on this site.
I can remember my two year because it was the first echo they did after the valve. I worried the whole time, listening to those weird noises from the infernal machine and watching strange images on the monitor and the technician saying stuff like hmmmm all the time. Then the cardio came in and watched the video for a few minutes and said something that stuck to me like super glue. "Works perfectly." is all he said. Did you hear that!?, I said inside my head, he said perfectly, he said it, I heard it, perfectly. From that point on I lost pretty much all fear of this little ticker and got on with my life. I hope it goes perfectly for you as well.


My actual anniversary date is August 15th but my yearly cardio exam worked out for July this year. The ECHO tech said some numb things like "Oh you are here because they heard a murmur." and "I found the murmur it is in your mitral valve". Neither of those statements was accurate but made me very nervous. I also can't stand lying there listening to the noises during the ECHO and I don't look at the screen since I don't understand it.
Best news was that the valve is working perfectly. The repair is very good and I also should not worry. Until the repair I had never had a "normal" ECHO so I am still not used to it.
Great feeling once that valve is fixed and you no longer have mitral valve regurg!!
Great news, Joanne- don't you hate those techs that speak out of turn!:(