16 Days Post OP

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Well-known member
Mar 26, 2005
Auckland ,New Zealand
Ernie is feeling a lot better,took members advice and spoke to the Dr.
about how pale and washed out he looks, yes & as you thought he is anaemic.He started on iron tablets 2 days ago.
Saw the surgeon today,the x-rays were good,the scar is healing really well. Apparently his iron levels weren't low enough to warrant a blood transfusion, and omeprazole was prescribed to hopefully settle his stomach.
We also had a word with the surgeon about the regularity of blood tests for Warfarin levels,(our G.P is now handling the warfarin monitoring)
The nurse who deals with giving info regarding test regularity and dosage changes from the G.P. was really "airy fairy" about when Ernie should have his next blood test,- she casually said "Oh sometime this week" ( At that time he was still sitting on 1.8 ! )
Anyway after reporting the matter to the surgeon, we have got "it from the horses mouth " that tests are to be done every 2-3 days and any hassles to call him directly. ( His reading is now 2.4 )
Unfortunately,I have to return to work next week,as I have used up all my leave, but our teenage son will be at home,on school vacation to keep an eye on his Dad and make sure he doesn't do anything he shouldn't like heavy lifting etc.
Thanks again for all the feedback
Kindest Regards & Best Wishes to you all
Ernie & Wendy
Glad to see someone is working on the INR. Todays Medical care........Joke?

At 16 days postop, I don't think you have to worry about him lifting things he shouldn't. His body will tell him in no uncertain terms that it's a no no.
on first visit to my local dr, he passed me in the corridor - said 'you look pale - you are anemic'. Gave me a shot when we got into his treatment room, sent me directly to hospital for a test - he was so right.

Glad to know y ou are staying on top of things. Tell him hey for us. Blessins.....