10 days post- AVR with questions......

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Hello All!

I am 10 days post op right now for AVR. I was told the surgery couldnt have gone better. I was out of the hospital in 4 days. Originally upon coming home my pulse seemed to be 105-125 at rest. Over the last 4 days or so that has seemed to come down to 95-110 at rest. I am on metoprolol 50mg 2x/day, so I would assume that is also keeping my heart rate in check somewhat along with the heeling process.

I had a check up with my cardiologist earlier this week. I was told that I have a "new bundle branch block" on my left side, but that this is somewhat common and I was in no danger from it at all. It could go away in a week, a month, a year, or could be around forever. On the same day I had the EKG I also had an ultrasound. I was also told that a had a little bit of fluid around my heart. Again was told that this is even more common and that for now nothing to be concerned about and that hopefully and most likely my body would absorb it over time. Lastly it seems as though I have some sort of (and I have been instructed by my doctors it is not considered "irregular") non rhythmic heartbeat. I kind of get the "thump,thump,thump,thump.......thump......thump......thump,thump,thump, etc. I originaly had some concern that this was A-Fib or some other issue, but was told it was not. Moreover, I was told once again being 10 days post op that these things are normal, that this rythym of beats shouldnt affect me and could possibly go away as my heart heals over time. Moreover I was told that upwards of 50% of the population, heart disease or not, has some sort of beat like this. So I just have to go by what I'm being instructed right now.

I have since had another check up just today. Was told that the fluid was still there but that the bundle branch block appeared to be gone. I guess thats good.

Being only 10 days post-op I actually fell pretty good. Almost no pain, my mobility is really good, no problems with the incision (have been told multiple times now by docs, nurses, etc, that it looks great), and additionally night by night I'm sleeping more and more sound.

The one isssue (although I would love to hear all responses from anyone who has experienced any of the things that I have listed above and how it may or may not have affected them post op) that I'm inquiring of all of you out there about is, that for the last two days or so I've been experiencing what I would describe as a "tingling" or "pins and needles" in my left thigh. It seems to come and go and isn't always there, and again, its only been happening for about two days. Of course my mind gets racing and I wonder if this could be some sort of sign of a blood clot or anything related? I have a mechanical valve have been on coumidin since the hospital and my numbers are right in line.

I would greatly appreciate ANY response from anyone out there who may have experienced any of the things I listed above, how it may or may not have affected them and so on.

I really appreciate all of you taking the time in advance and look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you and I hope you all are doing well also of course!

Jay your par for the course. I think most all of us have experienced what your speaking of. For me, the pins and needles deal was in my lower arm and hands. Didn't last long. Just enough to scare the crap out of you and then it's gone. Happened maybe 3 times total and then never again. I think it depends on what nerves they cut while opening you up.
Glad to hear most everything is going well.

Any changes should be discussed with your doctor but, I agree with Ross, the pins and needles thingy is more than likely a nerve issue. Nerves are touched, cut, pinched and anything else you can think of during OHS.

A clot will usually cause pain, can cause swelling and/or temperature change in the area.

I am now 30 days post op from AVR surgery and have had the same experiences as you.

Within the past 10 days I visited my PCP, cardiologist, heart surgeon, and pulmonologist (routine post-op visits).

I talked about my high pulse rate with each, and none of them were concerned. Apparently the pulse rate slows down when the heart is finished healing from the trauma it received. However, I think it also could involve a reaction to all the meds they tell you to take. I have read several threads on this site from our predecessors in AVR that had similar concerns and their pulse rates eventually seemed to settle down for them. I am still testing mine daily, recording it, and hoping for the best.

The pulmonologist found more fluid in my chest cavity but recommended waiting 6 weeks to see if it is re-absorbed. If not, they will extract it. I had that done post-surgery in the ICU, and they extracted 0.85 liters of fluid then (in simplest form, they stick a needle in through your back and suck out the fluid). This was not painful, and it greatly relieved the pressure at the time. So, I am not afraid to have it done again.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Stay strong!
HI Jay,
It sounds like you are doing just fine.
Post op I also had a pulse of 105, so I was put on metoprolol, same dose as you.
After a couple of months my pulse came way down, and I decreased the metoprolol to 37 mg twice/day. I am still on this dose since my heart also has the skipping beat thing going on.
EKG shows normal.
The tingly feeling.....I had it early on in my left arm and I was freaking out.
Nothing more happened, these must be nerves trying to adjust, as I also had numbness in various chest areas.
I also had some occasional fluttering in my legs. I'm still here:)
Best wishes, take it slow, and rest.
Hi there-

I am 10 days post-op also for AVR with a Carbo Medics valve. My stay was from 2/16 - 3/2 because of 2 OHS. On the day I was being discharged my left leg went numb and part of my backside. It was odd to say the least, but did eventually go away. I still have tingling on and off in some of my finger tips, but only with contact.

The 3 things I noticed that I've never experienced before, is 1) I'm warm now. Whereas before I would have to pile on the clothes or blankets and still was freezing. 2) I sweat. When I would work out pre-op my face would turn red but I would never sweat. 3) I can take a deep breath in which I never knew I couldn't do until now when I've experienced it!! It's still amazing to me.

I still am taking pain meds because my chest still hurts. But hopefully I can wean myself slowly off of them next week. Good luck healing.

Eternally grateful,
Official Member of the 'Triple Zipper' Club

4/95 - TIAs (started after childbirth)
'98-01 - Misdiagnosed with asthma (Not sure if those are the right years, but 3 years for sure)
1/03 - PFO (hole in heart) plugged up
1/03 - FVL (clotting disorder) diagnosed
1/03 - Coumadin started
2/16/07 - OHS with St. Jude Mechanical Valve, Dr. Suri, Mayo, Rochester
2/20/07 - OHS with Carbo Medics because St. Jude was clotting, Dr. Suri, Mayo, Rochester
2/20/07 - Stitches reopened because of excessive bleeding
2/26/07 - Pacemaker implanted because of block in AV node