1 Year Anniversary - 10 Miler

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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2007
Indiana - just outside Indianapolis
What a way to celebrate my 1 year anniversary! Jogging a 10 miler with my girls!!

To those in the waiting room or in recovery...your time will come! You will feel better!

We are doing the Indy 500 Mini Marathon in 2 weeks and I think we are ready! Such a long way from where I was this time last year. There were many weeks that I didn't think this day would come. But with faith, persistance, following doctor's orders, and the support of my family, I feel like I have tackled the mountain!

How exciting! I am so happy for you. You are going to do well!:) I'll be looking for your post race update and pics if possible.
Nice picture! I recognize one shirt from the WDW marathon! Great job and keep us posted on your running!
Way to gto Lisa!! Congratulations on this great accomplishment -- keep up the good work. You will be an inspiration for many of us.
It's a good feeling isn't it? What's even better, you never really lose the wow factor. Every one becomes a special accomplishment.
Yes!! And my daughter and I have done 8 races starting with a 5k in early February to build up to our mini on May 3. We've had a better pace each time. It really feels so good!! I had forgotten how much I missed it. Course we're still doing the walk/jog thing. I don't think my joints will ever let me run full out again. But that's ok! I'm happy with that!!

Thanks for the encouragement!!



Dear Lisa, I really enjoyed reading your posts about your race. It is such an encourgement to me!! I'm 13 weeks post-op now and I walked a 5k just 2 weeks ago. I have been trying to walk everyday but still get tired more than I think I should be at this point, but I'm not giving up! I signed up for another 5k run/walk for next weekend and I can't wait, I had so much fun and it felt so--- good to be able to reach my goal that I've been working on since my feet hit that hospital floor the day after surgery!! Check out my pic's of me and my daughter from that last weekend, she'll be with me next weekend too but she like's to do sprint-tri's. Take care and I can't wait to see where I'll be one year post-op Debbie :)


Hi again Lisa, I just showed my daughter the picture of you and your daughters and she said WOW you look so young your girls look like they can be your sisters! Thought you'd like that :) :) Debbie
So sorry I'm late to send my congratulations.
One year is a mile stone on its own.

Three Cheer's for you!

Thanks for the HIP HIP HOOORAYS!!!!!!!!!!!

and Debbie THANK YOU!!!!!!!!

You can do it, too! I just still can't believe that it has been 1 year and when I was in your shoes I got frustrated that I couldn't do more. This whole year has been the BIGGEST lesson in patience I've ever had. I've always been active, always exercised, run, cycled, etc. So to be down and restricted was a struggle mentally. The first race I got to do felt SOOOOOOOO good!

Keep setting goals and you will reach them. Time is your friend....it will heal you and will give you a chance to reflect. When your recovered, you will be amazed at what you've been through!

BTW - I think we're the same age!


Hi Lisa, I think we are the same age. I'm 45 and my kids are 25, 21, and almost 17yr. old. Are your girls about the same age?? Did you see my pic's?? Take care Debbie :) Also, do you have a race on May 3rd?? Me and my daughter will do another on the 3rd also, she'll run and I'll walk :)
Hey Debbie! Yes, our 1/2 marathon is May 3rd!! Yeah! Course my oldest daughter, 23, ran a 1/2 marathon yesterday and her fiance did the full marathon...part of the Kentucky Derby celebration kick-off. She is the athlete in the family. My younger daughter, 21, took up walking/jogging as an effort to quietly keep an eye on me! Deep down she was only doing it because she didn't want anything to happen to me and no one be around. But it has gotten her hooked on jogging and doing races and getting fit, so the side effect has been awesome! Plus it has given us some great quality time together, which is the best benefit of all!

I'll be praying for you for your race on May 3rd!!! And be sure to post how you do. We will, too!

And I didn't find how to get to your pics....let me know because I would LOVE to see them! Feel free to email me directly at my home [email protected].

BTW.....My younger daughter and I re-mulched and edged all of our flower beds today. This time last year, my dad was doing it for me as a surprise before I came home from the hospital. It feels so great to be able to do it myself again!!! (hubby travels this time of year or he would be doing it....he hates that I have to but it is therapy for me!)
Hey girls you are giving me hope. I am 4 weeks out and thought I would have more energy than I do. After reading your posts you gave me renewed hope. I just hate not feeling up to par. I have to stop beating myself up over it.

Thanks again
Don't Lose Hope!

Don't Lose Hope!

I too went through the same feelings! Especially since my surgery was in April of last year when the weather was so nice and I wanted to be outside running, biking, etc. And I just couldn't do it. But the milestones I was making each day just walking down the block and back were huge mountains in and of themselves at the time. I didn't realize how much so until now!

HANG IN THERE! You're in my prayers! Time is on our side....just remember it's God's time, not ours!



Dear Kathy, I think 4-8 weeks were the hardest because you feel better and start to do more and get back to so kind of normal life, but your body still says NO I still hurt and need to recover more! I started really trying to walk more at 6 weeks, it took me 6 weeks post -op to 11 weeks post-op to be able to be strong enough to walk that first 5k. I would encourge you to make a goal even it's small and that will help you get off the chair and walk everyday, and you will get stronger and stronger each day! Take care Debbie :)
Lisa - I'll add in my congrats also. I'm 3 months post-op and I'm finally able to do 2 miles non-stop. I had 5 marathons under my belt prior to surgery. Now I'm excited to be able to complete 2 miles without stopping! My legs have finally lost all of the water weight/puffiness. My breathing is returning to normal. But overall my stamina has been significantly reduced since OHS. I know... baby steps. I'm looking forward to the 6 month mark. I hope to be running 5 miles non-stop by then but I'll take anything I can get!

Thanks again for posting such an encouraging update and please continue to let us know about your running accomplishments!

Hello Lisa!

I know how you have felt. I am feeling that way now. Had my aortic valve replaced Feb 11th. Just starting to do some exercise at the gym. Have been walking, though, my usual 2 miles. I had some complications. Still have some inflamation of the pericardial sac that is slowing me down,which is driving me crazy! I was a very active person, like yourself. Hope to God, that I can be cured of this inflamation, once and for all !

Your post certainly is an inspiration for us all! God bless you and yours!

Kathy M.
Hello everyone.It is really encouraging to learn about tthe progress you've all made post-op.It gives me strength to face my own problem.I hope you are all healthy and in good shape.