1 and 2 year anniversary

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Mar 24, 2009
Atlanta, GA, USA
On July 12, 2011 I celebrated my one year anniversary of my aortic valve and root replacement surgery. On this day I went zip-lining in Montego Bay Jamaica (we were on a cruise). It was a wonderfuly way to spend the day celebrating my "valve-versary"

On July 8, 2011 I celebrated my two year anniversary of my first aortic valve replacement surgery (I was packing for the cruise).

I'm happy to report that I am doing great. Other than feeling occasional palpatations, all is well, My last echo came back well and the surgeon said "see you in a year". I do need to follow-up with my cardiologist in the near future (was supposed to go in June for an office visit).

Thank you to all my VR friends who helped me through this very difficult time over the past couple of years!

Liz G

Happy Anniversary!!!! I just love hearing success stories!!!

My daughter is approaching her one year anniversary since she had her aortic valve replaced with a mechanical one last fall. She is 11 years old and doing wonderful. We had a great check up in February and are going back this week for a check up before school starts. Can anyone give me some insight about your follow up appointments? After a year how frequently do you go? We are lucky that her INR has been stable since about 5-6 mos post op, so we are going for blood checks only once a month, but I wasn't sure what the standard cardio check up is. I would rather go than not go as for me it's piece of mind, but I was just curious.

Also in February, her Dr mentioned having her wear a monitor for 24 hours at this appointment. She said she likes to do this with her patients one year post op. Anyone have any information on that as well?

All and all I am so happy with the outcome of Hannah's surgery. She takes two dance classes and a tumbling class, has been swimming basically every day this summer, and appears to be doing well. I am still of course nervous and anxious for her appt this week. I feel deep down that everything is ok, but would love to hear some of your inspirational stories regarding anniversaries, check ups, etc.


Hannahsmom :)