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  1. C

    7th month Update

    Hi all, I still lurk here but haven't posted in about three months. Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm doing great after AVR. I do still have some bouts dizziness and frequent nose bleeds. Other than that I am feeling wonderful, I've lost 22# since surgery because I am able to walk...
  2. C

    Statin Question

    Hi all, Sorry for my absence of late but life has been busy. Yesterday was my 6 month anniversary post op. I feel fantastic and life is everything I want to be. I had an AVR on July 20 of this year. Before my question a little background. My AVR was rough and I coded twice during the...
  3. C

    I've got my life back!

    Last Thursday my wife and I embarked on a five day trip to a friends wedding in Green Bay. This is the first trip since my AVR. I had worked up to about 1/2 mile of walking a day prior to this trip and I was/am feeling very good. We left last Thursday and decided that we would go to...
  4. C

    A sexual question, please if you are easily offended please don't read this.

    Thanks for the response. I will let you know what my cardiologist's thoughts on this are after I see him on Tuesday.
  5. C

    A sexual question, please if you are easily offended please don't read this.

    I have a number of medical problems due to diabetes. One of them includes maintaining an erection. I have been prescribed viagra from my PCP. Of course I was taken off viagra two weeks prior to my surgery. I am on very low doses and require only 1/8th of a 100MG viagra. So, the question. I...
  6. C

    On the other side, and everything is beautiful!

    Congrads on the smooth surgery and my well wishes for a rapid recovery.
  7. C

    Never ending coughing, when will it stop?

    Jkm7, Yes, walking has been hard for me but I am doing it anyway. Today, I made three blocks without stopping. Doesn't sound like much but up until now I've had to stop and catch my breath.
  8. C

    Never ending coughing, when will it stop?

    Well y'all were right the ACE inhibitors Lisinopril was the culprit. I called my Cardiologist and made an inquiry, described the symptoms etc to his nurse. She told me that she would consult with my Doctor and get back to me. Yesterday afternoon she called back and they took me off the drug...
  9. C

    Never ending coughing, when will it stop?

    Great information Lyn, thanks for posting this. I have a call into my cardiologist and I will inquire about lisinopril and the cough and will report back.
  10. C

    Never ending coughing, when will it stop?

    Hmmmm, I am on lisinopril and you have me thinking.
  11. C

    Never ending coughing, when will it stop?

    Piglet, The Mucinex was recommended by my Surgeon and the Benadryl was my idea.
  12. C

    A New Recognition......

    My career was working for one the alphabet soups for Uncle Sam. In that career I was always first, always the example, I was always a leader, always gung ho. That was me. I could give a rip now. I want to enjoy my life at a slower pace, savor the moments that have been given back to me...
  13. C

    Never ending coughing, when will it stop?

    I am a month post op on the 20th. My cough is still present but as you say it seems to be subsiding a little bit. Right or wrong this is my pre-bedtime med regimen, Two Benadryls and one Mucinex D. The benadryl make me drowsy and the Mucinex mutes some of the coughing. It's the ONLY way I...
  14. C

    Never ending coughing, when will it stop?

    I had the breathing tube and feeding tube in my throat for 5 days. I was operated on the 20th of July. My voice is still extremely raspy and I cough constantly. Dry coughs mostly until I lie down then clear foamy mucous for a hour or so before it begins to subside. How long will I have to...
  15. C

    After your surgery, what are some of the things that you found out that surprised you

    My biggest surprise was that I found out I coded twice after surgery. Scary in retrospect.
  16. C

    Loss of normal voice and other things

    Thanks for the words of wisdom. I have been a bit better this afternoon but have been fighting with rib cramps. I have been prone to them for about a year since I had a disagreement with a tree on my dirt bike. The spasms come and go. They came today and coupled with my already sore chest I...
  17. C

    Loss of normal voice and other things

    The mucous is clear and sort of frothy so I am confident I haven't an infection. Yes, I am using my exerciser daily 8-10 times. But, I cough when using it too. Man does it hurt...argh. As for walking I am relegated to walking inside my home as we have had nothing but temps over 100* for...
  18. C

    Loss of normal voice and other things

    That is exactly what I have. I have a very raspy voice, I cough when I try to speak and I feel as if my entire throat is coated in mucous.
  19. C

    Loss of normal voice and other things

    I had a breathing tube for a respirator and a feeding tube for 4 days. My voice is just gone and in it's place is a sort of croaking version of my original self. My wife assures me that I sound like a heavy smoker in a bar full of smokers when I talk. Additionally I continue to periodically...
  20. C

    The recovery trap!!

    At what point could y'all do stairs without incident? I tried yesterday and it was a mistake. I am just home since last Friday July 29th. I want to push for better cardio health but also don't want to over do anything.