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  1. S

    1 year today

    Well a year has gone by. The anniversary brings up mixed feelings. The surgery and recovery was pretty hellish, but I am far better off for it. Since my op I have been able to paint the house (ok so I'm only 3/4 done, I'll finish it this summer). and had the energy to lose 19.3 kg through diet...
  2. S

    4 week update

    Four weeks ago today I almost died. Today I am feeling good, much better than I expected to 4 weeks post op. I went to see my gp today, and he has cleared me to drive, and return to work part time. I plan to start going into work for a couple of hours a day later this week and see how I go. I...
  3. S

    3 weeks post op

    Well I'm a little over 3 weeks post op (23 days) and I'm feeling good. I've been slack and not given an update for a while (sorry) so it might be a bit long: I'm sleeping much better, but still taking 1 sleeping pill at night (I was taking 1 at bed time, and another when I woke up at around 2am...
  4. S

    I made it!

    After 8 hours of surgery, followed by another 2 hours to stop a bleed i'm on day 3. I feel like i've been hit by a bus, but I thought i'd drop by and give you all an update.
  5. S

    Looks like next week for me

    Well i've been bumped up the priority list after being admitted for chest pains and pulpatations at rest. I haven't got a confirmed date for my AVR yet, but it should be next week. I'm going mechanical, but haven't talked to the surgeon about what exactly. I'm bored of waiting in hospital already.
  6. S

    Introducing me

    Hi, I'm Scott, and I'm new around here,so thought I'd introduce myself. I live in Auckland, New Zealand. City of Sails, and vacated home of the Americas Cup. (And if they ever get out of court we might have a shot at getting it back!) Anyway, I was born with a dodgy aortic valve, which was...