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Valve Replacement Forums

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  1. M

    reaction to versed?

    Hi! just to refresh everyone's memories, i had mitral repair in 2009, and had a freakout in icu. my neurologist has always thought it was an adverse reaction to one of the meds they used, but nobody ever determined which one. now, it's beginning to look, to me anyway, like i may be in for...
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    i'm baaaaaack....

    hello friends! well, my dr told me a year or so ago that i now have regurg in my tricuspid valve--probably as a result of the strain put on it by the prolapsed mitral. at that point, he said all that was necessary was to keep an eye on it. but.... the last month or so, i have been retaining...
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    🎉 EXCITING NEWS!! - Orangebrittainy 🎉

    Some of you may remember Orangebrittainy, a young mom who had valve replacement a few years ago. She and i are FB friends, and I have her permission to share her very exciting news . . . she is going to be a mama again! 🎉 She has found a very dedicated medical staff who deal with high-risk...
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    Anyone familiar with the heart surgery team at U of Wisconsin/Madison--in particular Dr. Lucian Lozonschi? We are looking at him for my mom.
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    just in case....

    I talked to Mom's diagnosing cardio--a very cut-to-the-chase guy--and it boils down to "quite severe regurg, possible ruptured chordae, needs surgery". They're talking repair, but I know we need a plan B just in case, so.... Woman in her late 70s Occasionally forgetful Easily distracted VERY...
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    It's a family affair....

    Hi everyone! More details later, but just a quick note for now to let y'all know that it is looking like my 70-something mom is probably looking at mitral valve surgery, too. Right now I think she's in the denial phase. You know, "how can this be? maybe it's a mistake. i'll live healthier and...
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    just so's ya know....

    I'll be in chat for a little while
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    Does anybody recognize this?

    While helping my mom over the weekend, as she sorted some "family historical" items, I was reminded once again of my great aunt, Dorothy. Dorothy was born in 1910, with multiple congenital issues, and died in 1916. The mortician who embalmed her body said at the time that her heart, lungs, and...
  9. M

    news about amber1111

    I've been keeping in contact with Amber. She has traveled from UAE to India for mitral valve surgery. (hoping for a repair via porthole incision) She has evaluations and final decision on Tuesday. She'll be away from her young children for 3-4 weeks. Let's keep her in our thoughts and prayers...
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    Attending the Royal Wedding?

    Here's something fun! In honor of the big wedding on Friday, find your royal wedding guest name. Start with either Lord or Lady. Your first name is one of your grandparents' names. Your middle name is your first pet's name. Your last name is the street which you grew up on (or the first street...
  11. M

    SO EXCITED!! (and nervous)

    I'm so excited--and nervous! For anyone who's ever wondered what I really sound like, now's your chance! I'm being interviewed on a podcast today at 12:30 pm EDT. Here's the link. If you'd like to hear it, but the time doesn't work with your schedule, the interview will be archived at that...
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    "Change a Lightbulb" jokes

    I think it could be fun to see how many "change a lightbulb jokes we can come up with. Here are a couple: Q: How many church members does it take to change a lightbulb? A: CHANGE?! Who said anything about change?! Q: How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb? A: Just one, but...
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    Northern Indiana

    Hi! Just wondering if there are any other VR members who live in the north half of Indiana. Marcia
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    Happy Valversary to me!

    Two years ago today was my valve repair! Last night, I celebrated by having my grandson (who wasn't even born then) fall asleep while sitting on my lap, listening to my heart beating. Thank you, God! Thank you, Dr. Jeeves!
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    hangin' out in chat

    come visit!
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    In chat...

    ...for a little.
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    I'm.... chat for a few.
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    Gonna go hang out in the chatroom for a few. (top of the page)
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    sharing my news....

    Hi! I know I haven't been around much lately, but I've had plausible reasons: grandchild #6 arrive safely on 12/14, by scheduled c-section our extended family believes in sharing...colds, coughs, tummy bugs Christmas! (with 6 grandkids, four and younger) working on a novel Now, just to make...
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    Got a Christmas present!

    Here it is!