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  1. DeWayne

    A poll for Bicuspid people

    I want to do a small sampling to see if there is a pattern. Hold your fingers up like you are doing a boy scout salute (first 3 fingers) then look at the pointer finger and the finger closest to your pinkie and answer the poll.
  2. DeWayne

    My historic day 50th valvsaversary

    Today marks a somewhat historic day for me. It was 50 years ago today I underwent my first open heart surgery. Seems like an important day to me D:) Sometimes it seems impossible that it happened that long ago, for I never really expected to still be here. But here I am, still kicking.
  3. DeWayne


    Some of you might remember that my Neice was to have valve preplacement surgeyr but was put off due to the fact she had had a kidney transplant just a few months ago. Well she had her surgery on Thursday and is doing just great. I don't know yet which mechanical valve she got, she is still in...
  4. DeWayne

    2 years today

    I guess today is my 2nd anniversary of my 2nd operation. Glad I am still here. Had physical with General last week, he says everything looking good, back to cardiologist soon for that check up, but I expect it will be good as well.
  5. DeWayne

    Niece scheduled

    My 32 YO Neice is scheduled for aortic valve replacement either tomorrow or wednesday. She was to have her cath this afternoon. So soon after her kidney transplant has to be hard on her, but she is a strong young woman. Not sure what kind or which valve yet, she did not seem to know when I...
  6. DeWayne

    Tough Day

    It has been a tough day. Just found out that my Niece is in hospital with congestive heart failure. She is 32. She has had a hard life, lots of medical problems throughout the years, in fact 2 months ago she underwent a kidney transplant. now this. From the sounds of it her aortic valve will...
  7. DeWayne

    An Anniversary of sorts

    I guess today I get to celebrate my first surgery. 49 years ago I underwent my first open heart surgery, my first time on the heart lung machine, to open up my aortic valve. Next year will be a real milestone marking my 50th year. All I can say is I am glad to still be here, and hope for a...
  8. DeWayne

    Heart Survey

    Did anyone else get an email from the Survey For Heart Valve Surgery Patients & Caregivers saying they were going to use a quote from you in the book and want a picture? Just curious as to if everyone that filled out the survey got one or not. I remember once upon a time entering a poetry...
  9. DeWayne

    A glorious day

    Today I played my first round of golf since my surgery. Went to our normal course they said no openings till 2 pm so I stopped at another course on the way home. The guy said he could get me out like right now hurry! So I run to my car grab my clubs throw my shoes on head back load the cart and...
  10. DeWayne

    Talked to Warmheart

    Just got off the phone with warmheart. He is home and on his way to recovery. Sounded upbeat and said everything had gone as well as could be expected. Just thought I would share that with those who were wondering.
  11. DeWayne

    No Shirt but!

    I have no tawdry shirts in my possession, but I thought I would share my scar(s) with you . The horizontal scar is from when I was 5 and had my bicupid valve repaired, the vertical scar is now slightly over 6 months old. One 3 inch scar up on my right shoulder area did not show up to well with...
  12. DeWayne

    6 Month Checkup was today

    Today I went in for my 6 month check up. Cardiologist seemed very happy with how I was doing, said see you again in a year!
  13. DeWayne

    2 month update

    I thought I would chime in and update everyone on how I am doing 2 months after surgery. Week and a half ago I met with the surgeon, who looked at me looked at my x-rays and said he did not need to see me again. Told me what a great patient I had been and looked at my scar and was very happy...
  14. DeWayne

    DeWayne - I am back home!

    Well I know that my wife, Gwen has kept you abreast of the happenings of and since my surgery. She is a great wife :-) Emotional day, coming home. Seem to take forever to check me out, my surgeon told me at 8:10 AM I could go home, finally got out the door around 3 PM , just enough to beat rush...
  15. DeWayne

    Facing Surgery for 2nd time

    In the next month (date not set yet) I will be facing a 2nd OHS for the aortic valve. This time its valve replacement and partial aortic prosthesis due to a aneurism that at the root is 5.8 and partial arch included (but not including the vessels at the top). My first surgery happened 47 years...