27 M aortic valve replacement

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Active member
Apr 4, 2024
Charleston South Carolina
Hello everyone. I'm sure like some of you, I wasn't expecting to be posting here. But I had a follow up today for endocarditis, that I got from an infection about a month ago. I've been on antibiotics and have mostly recovered completely from the infection. But today when they did the echo my aortic valve had leakage and it's been getting worse, due to a growth from the infection. So in the near future I'm going to be getting a mechanical valve. I don't have a surgery date yet. I'm scared obviously, but I know I don't have much control of the situation. I haven't had any heart problems in the past and the doctor says my heart function is still normal but he'd rather operate on me while I'm healthy and strong. I appreciate all of your stories, and your kind words. I'll get through this.
Hi and welcome
But I had a follow up today for endocarditis
sorry to read that ...
I haven't had any heart problems in the past and the doctor says my heart function is still normal but he'd rather operate on me while I'm healthy and strong.
that's a good way to get into the club. Being otherwise young and healthy you'll stand the best chances of an excellent recovery and normal life.

I've had 3 surgeries (started my career young) so I can assure you that its entirely possible to live a normal life after OHS. Each time was a minor setback (a few months) and over the 50 years spanning the first OHS to now I've lived and done (by my standards) great things.

You will too

Oh, and when you get around to it, take your INR management seriously and your pills seriously, but that's a story for later.

Best Wishes
Welcome to the Forum. Yep, sometimes you get thrown a curveball. Your doctor is right. The best time to fix the problem is before more serious issues arise. Like you, many of us had surgeries as young men and women.....some even while in childhood. At your age, you are smart to get a mechanical valve that may last your lifetime (no pun intended). Stay in touch with this Forum. It can answer most of the questions and concerns that come your way.
Welcome to the forum!

I haven't had any heart problems in the past and the doctor says my heart function is still normal but he'd rather operate on me while I'm healthy and strong.
Your physician is right. Next to ignoring reality and not getting surgery, waiting too long is the biggest mistake that we can make. Your mechanical valve should last you the rest of your life, so there really is no reason to delay and risk permanent heart damage.

Best of luck with your procedure and please keep us posted about how your journey is going. Please let us know if you have any questions. There is a lot of collective experience on this board and we can probably help with most questions you might have in terms of surgery prep and recovery.
Welcome to the club. I myself was lucky to get diagnosed with bicuspid valve at 26 before it killed me. I decided to get a tissue valve in hopes of better options in the future and eliminating any need for anticoagulation. Everyone is different and everyone handles the surgery differently as well. My tissue valve wore out before I was 36 and I had another operation. I went with a tissue valve again hoping for better options in the future. I am now 41 and likely going to need my 3rd valve in the next few years. I would recommend doing your own research if you have not already. I ended up picking a new cardiologist, surgeon and valve option by the time I was operated on. Good luck and know you are more than capable to get through this at a young age.
Hello everyone. I'm sure like some of you, I wasn't expecting to be posting here. But I had a follow up today for endocarditis, that I got from an infection about a month ago.
Welcome! I am new here too. The people here have so much valuable info. My questions have been answered quickly and thoroughly. The support has made me feel more confident. It can't be easy, having to deal with a valve issue so suddenly. You are on a good path with joining this group.

I(33m) had endocarditis last year which resulted in me being in hospital for 7 weeks getting IV antibiotics for 6 of those weeks. I really feel for you as it was a long time to be in hospital and all the worries that come with it. They done an echo on my heart at the end of the 6 weeks of antibiotics and it looked like the heart valve was only slightly more leaky than before. I got home for 3 weeks took a TIA (lost vision in one eye for about 5 minutes) straight up to hospital again, turned out the heart valve had completely gone downhill in those 3 weeks. I had severe regurgiation and left side of my heart started to enlarge so I needed surgery for a mechanical heart valve.

Like yourself the panic and worry started at what life would be like and found this forum to help reduce a lot of fears. I had my surgery late November so it’s all very fresh for me. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

You will get through this and your life won’t be as nearly affected as you think it will.

I(33m) had endocarditis last year which resulted in me being in hospital for 7 weeks getting IV antibiotics for 6 of those weeks. I really feel for you as it was a long time to be in hospital and all the worries that come with it. They done an echo on my heart at the end of the 6 weeks of antibiotics and it looked like the heart valve was only slightly more leaky than before. I got home for 3 weeks took a TIA (lost vision in one eye for about 5 minutes) straight up to hospital again, turned out the heart valve had completely gone downhill in those 3 weeks. I had severe regurgiation and left side of my heart started to enlarge so I needed surgery for a mechanical heart valve.

Like yourself the panic and worry started at what life would be like and found this forum to help reduce a lot of fears. I had my surgery late November so it’s all very fresh for me. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

You will get through this and your life won’t be as nearly affected as you think it will.
Thank you for that. I really appreciate it. Honestly I didn't realize how many young people go through this.
your life won’t be as nearly affected as you think it will.

There is opportunity in change.

After my endocarditis and heart surgery, my life is affected. Some things are a disappointment, but other things are an opportunity. We all need to focus on the opportunities. In Sep. 2023 I had my open heart surgery for mitral valve repair and installation of a On-X mechanical aortic valve. In late January, 2024 (4 months after surgery), I was finally able to start some "serious" karate training again.

This is my opportunity to relearn basic skills of body posture, body connection, balance, timing, quickness, etc. I now better understand the needs of new karate students when I teach. This helps me become a better person.
Jumping in here. Last September I got endocarditis, and by October I was in hospital prepping for surgery, with severe regurgitation. I had OHS and have a bovine repalcement aortic valve. My full story is here: https://www.valvereplacement.org/threads/endocarditis-leading-to-avr-my-story.889366/

This weekend I planted 200m of hedge plants. I'm basically back to normal.

Initially, I was worried that I'd have a shorter expected lifespan due to all of this. I now look at it the other way: I have a 51 year old body that's gradually falling apart but I have a shiny new heart valve that's probably still under warranty :)
Hey, welcome to the club!

Your age will serve you well in recovery and this will just be a little speed bump in the rearview mirror before you know it.

I'm 61, and it only took 3 1/2 months to get back to my happy place. This is my very first wave post op, and one of the dolphins that came by to say welcome home.

1st wave cropped.jpg

Post Op Dolphin.jpg
Hello everyone. I'm sure like some of you, I wasn't expecting to be posting here. But I had a follow up today for endocarditis, that I got from an infection about a month ago. I've been on antibiotics and have mostly recovered completely from the infection. But today when they did the echo my aortic valve had leakage and it's been getting worse, due to a growth from the infection. So in the near future I'm going to be getting a mechanical valve. I don't have a surgery date yet. I'm scared obviously, but I know I don't have much control of the situation. I haven't had any heart problems in the past and the doctor says my heart function is still normal but he'd rather operate on me while I'm healthy and strong. I appreciate all of your stories, and your kind words. I'll get through this.
Hey Pixelgrowth, welcome and thanks for being here! I’m in a similar boat. 28 and getting a mechanical valve + aortic root replacement soon (May 3rd), heart function and all that is normal but I figure there’s no point waiting.

This forum is an awesome resource and hearing people’s stories and advice on here has put my mind at ease more than anything else and helped me accept everything, take it in stride, etc.

You’re in good hands and you will be okay! Keep us updated :)

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