Mitral Repair

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Active member
Oct 28, 2008
Barrie, Ontario, Canada
Hi All,

I've been reading these forums for nearly a year and the information you guys give is a wonderful resource and I'd like to thank you all for that. This is my first post so I'll introduce myself.

I was diagnosed with what was originally described as a heart murmur in Sept 2007 during a doctors check-up. I was sent to the local cardio unit for chest x-rays, ecg and an echo and was told shortly after that that I have moderate to severe Mitral regurgitation. This came as a shock to me as I hadn't suffered any symptoms up until that point.

In Febuary 08, I went for a TEE which allowed my cardio a better look at the valve and I was refered to the regional Cardic unit in Swansea. After much too-ing and fro-ing (and hospitals loosing my echo resuts), I got to see a surgeon who advised me that a) I should be on Perindropril and b) I looked to be a good case for a repair, and that it should be done ASAP before any symptoms started.

Shortly after that I started on the Perindropril and worked my way up to 8mg which is the dose I am currently on.

In the mean time I decided I would do some research on the surgeon that I had been allocated. I found out that he has not carried out many (if any) mitral repairs and when I questioned him about his experience, his answers were vague and did not reassure me in any way that he was the man for the job. I have therefore, in the past week, requested to be refered to a more experienced Mitral Valve repair specialist, Prof. Von Oppell in Cardiff and I am now waiting for an appointment to see him.

Since the summer I have experienced the odd hollow feeling in my chest. This occured maybe once or twice a week but over the last 10 days, it has happened more frequently so have been to my GP who requested an ecg and a 24hr ecg. For the 24hr, I have to wait for a letter from the local cardio unit so fingers crossed it won't take too long.

I am at the stage now that I want to have the repair as soon as possible to get it out of the way. I have heard that the wait for Prof Von Oppell is shorter than the original wait I was quoted of 5 months so I'm hoping for some positive news soon.

This whole thing has been a testing journey and now I am nearing the top of the mountain, I feel anxiety and worry at times and I think this maybe causing the chest sensations that I have been recently feeling.

I will keep you all updated from now on and would like to thank you all again for this wonderful forum.

Hi Andrew,

Welcome to the forum.

It's normal to feel anxious about your medical condition. I had OHS at the beginning of the year and it is a very long and tedious journey, but I just keep plugging away.

All the best and I hope things turn out for the best.

Im in a similar boat in that I'm waiting for mitral repair too. Its government requirement they have to operate within 180 days, but if you say you want it asap they might be able to get you in early / give you a cancellation.

I am the same I just want it over with, the waiting is terrible :)

Hope everything goes well for you, and great idea about the more experienced surgeon!!
Hi Andrew,

Welcome to VR.Com - I also have mitral regurgitation (although mine is severe) and will be having surgery early next year as my surgeon is keen to operate before I develop symptoms. Because of the structure of my mitral valve it is more likely that I will be having a replacement rather than a repair. Totally understand where you are coming from as far as the nervousness - at times I feel fine and think I am coping okay and at other times it suddenly seems WAY too scarey!! Good luck with getting an earlier appointment and keep us updated on your progress... :)
Welcome to Vr. Sorry for the circumstances but glad you found us. Your story sounds very similar to mine......murmur found during my annual check-up came out of nowhere. No sympotoms that I was aware of. Shortly thereafter I was having a mitral valve repair. I was lucky enough to have one of the masters of mitral valve repairs do mine - Dr. Tirone David. It's normal to feel anxious and worried, but I can honestly say it isn't as bad as I feared. Best wishes and good luck.
Andrew ....welcome to the zoo ... this is a great place for information and support ... the waiting is the hard part, at least it was for me .... wishing you the best!!
Welcome, Andrew. I hope you are able to see the surgeon soon. Please let us know when you have that surgery date so we can add you to the calendar.
Hi Andrew,

Wecome to I am proud of you that despite your anxiety, you are on the right tracks...doing your research, mainly regarding the surgeon, which is very smart. It is important to feel confident about the surgeon and I hope you will have more direct answers next time.

Keep up the good work, do not let anxiety pull you down and waste your energy...You need all your good energy to help you through this difficult time. The stronger you go to surgery, the stronger you come out.

Good luck and keep us posted.:)
Want to welcome you with a big hello here and

glad you found the site ,sorry for the reason.

Comming from experience the wait is worse than surgery.

zipper2 (DEB)
Welcome mrsnuffles. I think you are right trying to see another surgeon who has a lot of experience in MV repairs. Being one who had a complicated MV repair, I am convinced that if I hadn't had the surgeon I had, I would most likely have ended up with a replacement.
Just wanted to welcome you to the forum Andrew -- so glad you found us! I pray that your doctors/surgeons are able to perform a valve repair so that you can resume living your life problem free!!! Hang in there & have faith! :)


Hi All,

Thanks to you all for your welcome, its much appreciated :)

Well, since my original post, I have been given a date to see the new surgeon. Its this coming Monday and the letter I received says that they try to offer a one stop shop service for all the required tests. I am therefore hoping to try and arrange a date for the procedure while I am there with the surgeon. I intend to push this with him as I just want to get the wait over with and get on with the rest of my life.

I've had some good news this week which has lightened my mood somewhat - I passed all of my exams which mean I have achieved a Bachelors Degree in Computing. I have been studying for it for the last four years and this past year has been especially difficult with my heart problems, working full time and studying too so I'm just so glad I didn't need to resit any of my exams.
