We are HOME

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We have been home for about a hour, its been a very long and stressfull week but we have all got through it and it is so good to be home. Thankyou for all the kind thoughts and prayers and to Emma for updating for us.
As you know Curtis had a repair, that is slightly leaking again. He will be having a third surgery to replace his valve, for as long as the valve can hold out, which the surgeon is hoping will be in a few years. We are kind of like back to square one now, just wait and see but he doesn't have stenosis now. So he should feel a lot better in his self now. We havn't been told anymore about the leak or the pressures which were higher than they should be but we are back in 3 weeks for a follow up check, so we will find everything out then.
Thankyou everyone.
Excellent news Paula! Was just about to text you to see how you were but thought I'd pop on here first to see if you'd updated... very glad I did too!

Enjoy being home in your own beds!
Love Emma
That's fantastic!

I am so pleased you're all home. What a relief. Brilliant:)

I'm just back home to Aberdeen after aortic valve-sparing on 18th in the Royal Brompton in London. One thing I learnt is just to take one small step at a time. When I didn't, and tried running, I failed.

For now, you're home, Curtis is safe, recovering, loving it. He is such an inspiration to so many who have followed his journey.

Praise God.

I pray that He gives your whole family strength for today, and bright hope for tomorrow.

Paula, I know you are relieved to have this behind you. I hope he has an easy, problem free recovery.

Glad you are home safe and sound and hoping that Curtis gets even better news during his next appointment :) .
Great to be home isn't it? I think everyone recuperates much better. I know they EAT better. Here's wishing for a speedy recovery for Curtis and prayers for you both.
So happy to hear you are all safely home. What a relief for you, I'm sure.
Sending Curtis very best wishes for a speedy, good recovery.
happy to hear

happy to hear

happy to hear that curt is doing well, and really glad that he is home, you guys will be in our prayers. thinking of you.
alpha 1

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