coaguchek Xs test strips?

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Well-known member
May 23, 2006
calabasas, ca
anyone know a discount place to buy them? tapestry sells six strips for 80 bucks. pretty steep. please let me know. thanks! :rolleyes:So i've seen them elsewhere for 350 bucks for 48 which is about half -- but i'd need to buy them in bulk and share this with someone because i only use one a month! anybody doing this sort of thing?

let's pool resources.if you're interested, send me a private message. on amazon i think they're about 350 bucks for 48, good place to start. saw another place for 329 for the box of 48.

I can offer a bit of advice....try not to order lots of strips at one time unless you split an order with someone else, or they may end up expired before you use them up. I test every 2 weeks and I ordered 24 strips to last one year. (Canadian cost was $180)
When you buy your strips they come with a matching chip, the strips are useless without the chip.

You only get one chip per box so splitting them is not an option.

I bought a double pack last year and i think i only got one chip but i could be mistaken.
temp69 said:
anyone know a discount place to buy them? tapestry sells six strips for 80 bucks. pretty steep. please let me know. thanks! :rolleyes:So i've seen them elsewhere for 350 bucks for 48 which is about half -- but i'd need to buy them in bulk and share this with someone because i only use one a month! anybody doing this sort of thing?

let's pool resources.if you're interested, send me a private message. on amazon i think they're about 350 bucks for 48, good place to start. saw another place for 329 for the box of 48.


wow!! that's really expensive :mad:
I got my 1st box of 48 strips last week. We can get them on perscription in the it cost about £6 = $11 for the box.

I can see a business opportunity here :D
$50 a box...any takers?! :D

I'm not sure temp, but I bet there has to a cheaper way to get these :(
Magic made a good won't be able to split up a single order because of the computerized quality control chip for the monitor.
Anyway, I really don't consider my strips expensive at all when I consider the gas, parking, and time I save by testing at home. I'm also free to test at my convenience: before and after starting a new med, after an illness, or after pigging out on a spinach quiche;)
My INR is stable whether I test monthly or bi-weekly, but that's mostly because I am boring and have a very routine life. Seriously, I am so much more relaxed when testing bi-weekly and knowing that if something is going to be out of whack that I will catch it that much faster.
Temp, have you gotten a price for 24 strips?
Just browsing

Just browsing

I found this website browsing after reading your post, but obviously I can not vouch for the site or the products it sells. It just came up on my google search. My valve oinks so I don't get these. And being in the UK they are £7 a pack.

Here's the link

It tells me that it's $200 for 48 anywhere in America


xs strips

xs strips

Cant help you a whole lot as the strips in Canada are sold in
formats of 6, 24, and 48 strips. Their retail suggested price is $50.25,$200.55 and $401.76. they can be costly little needs,i test every two weeks
other than working 5 nightshifts in a row will sometime cause me to have to
check the inr ,with the disruption of reversing routine for me ....but yeah
sorry i cannot help you. Good luck with this

Hey guys have you thought of these elements?

1) The test strips require a prescription. Thus, selling or distributing without the proper licencing and certification is against the law. Sounds strange I know and while I may not agree with the regulations it doesn't change the fact that that's the law. I do belive this will change with time as our industry evolves and they take a closer look at PT/INR testing and realize it is not that much different from glucose testing.

2) Specific to Roche- The test strips can not be stored outside the bottles AND as someone mentioned it requires the associated ROM chip.

3) Generally speaking it's not good to share medical supplies. What IF something DID happen to the person that received the supplies? What if something happens to the product in route (do we really know the conditions that the UPS, FedEx, etc store the packages? Exposure to extream heat will damage the product.
Ross said:
Hey guys have you thought of these elements?

1) The test strips require a prescription.

The strips don't require a prescription here in Ontario, Canada - the machine does, though ; guess they figure you won't buy the strips unless you have the machine.
Not an expert on the Canadian market, but in the U.S. both the monitor and strips require an Rx to be on file. One Rx can cover both items, but if a customer goes to a different distributor for the strip they must provide the Rx.
thanks so much for pointing out the obvious

thanks so much for pointing out the obvious

strips no good without chip
nasty little marketers!
anyway, i'll just make do
and i test once a month and cardiologist is on board with that since i've been totally stable.
ross, you always make such sense! appreciate it.
just figure it will be the cost of doing business.

I just don't want to see someone get injured as a result of trying to save money. Life is too precious. ;)
We have an INRatio and must pay for our strips. They are about $7.00 each form an authorized dealer. The CoaguChek are about $13.40. That certainly should be something that people who must pay for their own supplies should know BEFORE they buy their own monitor.

Now that I think of if, it seems to be a good selling point too for the INRatio Monitor. Those of us who have an INRatio here seem to be more than satisfied. We both use it and we both love it.

Temp, have you thought about asking your doctor to order these strips for you? Doctors often get bigger discounts than their patients.

Temp69, for the Coaguchek XS:
It is only the small tube of 6 strips that works out to $13.00 each.
There is no point in ordering such a small amount unless maybe it would be good for travelling?
Most people order the 24 strips for $180 which is $7.50 each
XS Prescription and cost in Ontario

XS Prescription and cost in Ontario

Hi Bina,
My strips cost just under $50 for 6 from the local pharmacy and don't require a prescription. Why do yours cost so much?

Did Hamilton General inform you of the home monitors? When I asked about them they said they didn't know what I was talking about and so I went to Toronto General to be trained.
Lance, it was reading the threads on here that got me onto them. I googled Coaguchek or Roche or something, and got the info from Roche, including the name of a local pharmacist who is trained to train users. Got prescription from my family doctor, and went to Hamilton to fire my ACT doctor, but instead he sympathized with me (three-month follow-up routine appointment). He is from Sweden. What happens is the lab faxes the numbers to the THROMBOSIS clinic, and a woman (not a medical professional at all as far as I know) would call me and say something like "the doctor says ...." . Well, I was quite often quite unhappy with what the doctor said, and could never get to talk with "the doctor". So I spoke with my family physician (I've been with him since 1985, and he is my parents' doctor, too, and now he has my husband, so he really is our family doctor !) and he agreed we could manage ACT between us. So now, I home test, I call the results to my ACT doctor's private line at Hamilton General, tell him what I am doing, and if he has any objections or suggestions, he calls me back. If he's OK with it, he doesn't call back. Works like a charm for me - except I want to get him onto e-mail and save me the $1.40 a month long-distance charges :D !

Oh, and when I mentioned home testing to "the woman", she said, yeah, I think we have a patient that does that" . No help at all from them !

At just under 6 months out, and having had a change from coumading to sintrom and back again, I would rather have an experienced ACT doctor that I can fall back on if I have to - like if I need bridging or anything; I may have to have a colonoscopy and the one down the mouth, too, soon, and would like them done at Hamilton with my ACT doctor's blessing and guidance.
Bina said:
Netmiff, I don't know if I would be able to buy strips in just any pharmacy.
I buy them where I bought the machine and they have the prescr. on file.

The pharmacist who trained me said I could get them from him or from my regular pharmacist no problem. They are both Shoppers Drug Marts, though.