Redo Aortic & Mitral Valve Surgery

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Jan 4, 2008

My husband is due to go in next week to have redo valve replacement/repair surgery for the AV & MV. The first time it was done he was very ill with acute endocarditis so the the hospital stay was 10 weeks in total.

Any advice on what to expect for second time OHS would be greatly appreciated, and if anyone has gone through it twice your experiences or advice would be very welcome.



Welcome Ella. I'm sure you are very apprehensive about his surgery - given his first experience.

What valves did they use the first time around. I know that in the US, surgeons tend to use tissue valves if endocarditis is an issue and they fear it may still be present.

My guess, if your husband is feeling well enough, this time will not be as bad as the 1st, since he seems to be in the running here for the Bad First Surgery award.

We have many members who have had more than one surgery, I'm sure they'll be along. If you could post more specifics of his 1st experience, it would probably be helpful. For example - what valves they used, what problems occurred after the surgery, the reasons he was in for 10 weeks, etc.

Best wishes.
Welcome Ella,

I have not found that the actual surgical procedures or recovery experiences change much with each surgery. The only thing I have found is, with each one, the recovery took longer. However, keep in mind that everyone is different. Since you husband was so ill the first time, he may actually find this one easier.

My mantra has been: "Each surgery is easier because you know what to expect and each surgery is harder because you know what to expect". ;) :D ;)

Best wishes to you both.
Thanks Karlynn, first time doing this so never sure what to put :), he was fitted with mechanical valves (not sure what sort) first time.

He is having redo surgery as the valves are leaking, the doc's think it is because the heart was in such a bad way when they were first put them in either the valve/s are loose or hopefully a stich has come away ?

He was in for such a long time as he was admitted on a friday evening and on the sunday they had diagnosed the endocarditis, (with two embolic strokes and renal faliure) it was then decided if he was not operated on that day he would not make it as the infection was so agressive and the vegatations were shooting off all round the body.
After the op he then started the 6/7 weeks of antibiotic cover plus a couple of weeks after as he was still week and his INR would not play ball !

Now he is fit and well and has no sypmtoms of any heart problems, it was only on a check up the leaks were spotted!
Hi Ella,
This sounds similar to what happened with my sister. She was 39 when she had her first mitral valve replacement surgery. Her heart was quite enlarged and damaged. Her valve was replaced with a St Jude mechanical. Two years later her valve was leaking again. We thought she was going to have to have a new valve but it turned out they were able to tighten around the existing valve. The 2nd surgery seemed to go smoother because she was in a better facility and we felt she received better care. This was around 12 years ago. My sister continues to have issues but they are related to the damage of her heart and other health problems. Her St Jude is still going strong and the latest echo showed minimal leakage.
Hello Ella and welcome to the group!
I know someone who had a similar experience to your husband's.
At age 48 he got endocarditis, was hospitalised for weeks, then had AVR and MVR with 2 St.Jude mechanical valves. Life was great for 17 years then a checkup showed more leakage, a possible stitch problem. Last September he went in for the second OHS. Mitral valve was replaced and the aortic valve is still perfect. He was home after 7 days and is doing very well, (at age 65).:)
Hi Ella -

I don't have any specific experience to add here but I wanted to welcome you to the site. And I hope all goes very well for your husband. Take care and best wishes.
Thanks everyone for all of your advice and kind replies.So glad i found this site, counting down the days till next Sunday.:) :eek:
If you would like to mention the day he's having surgery, I'll put it on the surgery calendar.:)
Hi Mary,
He is having surgery on the 14/01. This time next week he will be in hospital. Trying to organise dog and baby sitting for the time he is in, but as always every one is being so helpful :)
We have a meeting with his cardioligist's tomorrow then a CT scan on Wednesday so a busy week for appointments, glad it's nearly here though as he just wants it over with now.
Ella said:
Hi Mary,
He is having surgery on the 14/01. This time next week he will be in hospital. Trying to organise dog and baby sitting for the time he is in, but as always every one is being so helpful :)
We have a meeting with his cardioligist's tomorrow then a CT scan on Wednesday so a busy week for appointments, glad it's nearly here though as he just wants it over with now.

I just put him on the calendar, so you can be assured of our many good wishes and prayers to help sustain you both during surgery and recovery.:) If you feel comfortable with sharing the information, it would be nice to know his first name. Take care and please update us as you can.:)
Surgery cancelled till 24/01

Surgery cancelled till 24/01

Hi everyone,
Just got a phonecall cancelling Sams's surgery till 24/01. I know these things can't be helped but we were just starting to get ours heads round the fact that he was going in on Sunday.
Nevermind let the countdown begin again.....

Gotta keep smiling

Ella x:)
Ella said:
Hi everyone,
Just got a phonecall cancelling Sams's surgery till 24/01. I know these things can't be helped but we were just starting to get ours heads round the fact that he was going in on Sunday.
Nevermind let the countdown begin again.....

Gotta keep smiling

Ella x:)

Hi Ella -

Your upbeat posts would indicate that you are keeping that stiff but smiling upper lip :) . A delay like this could be really trying; but it does happen sometimes, as per other members' experiences here.

Do you know what the reason is for the delay though?
Thanks every one for your replies you keep me positive!

The reason for the cancellation is that the norovirus is sweeping the country here in the Uk and there are no spare cicu beds.

Apart from that we are fine jsut had a good morning at the Zoo (was going to be the last family outing before the op) so we will have to plan some more fun things to do before the 23/01.

Have a good weekend everyone

E x:p