bbb here on the other side!

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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
Quick hello, got out of the hospital today, Dec. 3rd at 1pm. after open heart surgery for aortic aneurysm repair and aortic valve replacement. I am sooo happy to be here and will just take it slow and eventually report more details.

Mostly I want to say the support, encouragement, prayers and information I received here made a huge difference.

For anyone facing surgery, find out all you need and want to know depending on your personality....and then just trust and ride the wave of love that you too can make it over the mountain.

Blessings, Betsy
Glad to hear you're out of the hospital and on the road of recovery. Take it easy and listen to your body. Soon you'll be as good as new. Best wishes for a smooth, uneventfuly, recovery.
So good to see you home and posting, Betsey!:D Take it slow and easy and we look forward to hearing that you are enjoying a complete and uneventful recovery.
wow, so soon! welcome to the other side! take it easy this time of year. catching a cold or the flu is the worst thing that can happen, so keep your vitamin C intake up. everyday will feel better than the last. trust me.
Nice post, Betsy. Hope all continues to go well for you. Take care.
Good news! Your only jobs for the next few weeks are just to walk, sleep, eat and breathe! Be good to yourself.
Fantastic News, and your posting already WOW!!!
I'll echo what has already been mentioned - walk, eat, breath and sleep.

Be good to yourself.
Betsy, what a lovely message! So glad you are mending so well and being such a STAR! ;)

This is a wonderful community here...we're like a great big circle. Support and encouragement; advice and just keeps going around and around. Thank you for being such a succesful part of it all!!

Take care. Take it slow. Be well!

:D :D :D Marguerite
Welcome Home...!!!

Welcome Home...!!!


Contrats On The Sucessful Avr And Aortic Repair...Rest Easy And Let Them Pamper You Until The New Year....:)
Welcome Home!

Welcome Home!

Congratulations Betsy. I'm happy for you that all went well. Sleep when you are tired, eat when you are hungry.

Pancakes at 3:30 a.m. taste awfully good, and if everyone in your house sleeps sound, they won't smell them cooking either!:D :D
welcome home

welcome home

I'm so glad you did well with the surgery and are home so soon and you sound very upbeat! Good luck with your recovery. Debbie
Congratulations Betsy on a smooth surgery and what sounds like a speedy and uneventful recovery! I can't believe you are out of the hospital already! They must do a tremendous job at Cleveland Clinic...I am right behind consult with Dr. Svensson is scheduled for Jan 8 for aneurysm and aortic valve as well! Anyway, take care of yourself and I can't tell you how encouraged I am by how well you are doing already! I can't wait to hear more about your experience when you are feeling up to it! (particularly curious to know if you flew straight home or if you are recovering locally in Cleveland for a few days...)
I will pray for your continued successful recovery! Can't wait to join you on the other side of the mountain~I'm right behind you!!
Congratulations on making it to the other side of the mountain.....I told you the CCF is the best hospital in the world for heart surgery......Now relax, eat, sleep, and heal....Wishing you a speedy and uncomplicated recovery....


Great to see you up and posting again...! Thoughts/prayers coming your way for a continued SUCCESSFUL recovery :).

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"It's time to take a leap of faith" ... Steven Curtis Chapman ... 'Dive'
Welcome Home Betsy!!!!!

Good news, great to see you posting again! It's a busy time of year but your challenge right now is to go slow, eat, breathe and walk. Let everyone else bustle around. Seriously, tempting as it may be don't push yourself dear, take it easy.

I wish you all the best in your recovery, welcome to this side of the mountain!!
