Florence- 1 wk Post Op Update- 87 years old

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Hi Everybody:

Just thought I'd give an update on my 87 y.o. MIL who had AVR surgery one week ago today-- recovery is progressing well with no complications. She came off the vent on the first try, was moved out of ICU on her 3rd day, and is progressing slowly with walking and PT. She hates the hospital food and the fact that they won't let her put salt on anything :eek: , but overall her spirits are good and she's highly movtivated to get back home (no mention yet of the "H" word from the docs.) She's a spunky lady and we're all delighted with how well she's doing.:)

Glad to see this update..:) Also, good to know they are keeping her in hospital...where they can keep an eye on her.......as long as she is up/walking..they may let her go home soon.:) My Daddy was a salt freak too.....Lived to be age 91..Just passed from old age problems. Not salt.:) Bonnie
If she's not eating because she hates the food - bring her some in - minus the salt!

So many people don't have an appetite after and have to force themselves to eat. If she feels like eating, but isn't eating the food - ask her what she wants.

SO glad to read she's doing well!
Glad to hear she's doing so well!! That's really good news.

I hated the food at the hospital to. It's so bland.

I would just eat a bite here and there.
I lived on their grahm crackers and juice. That got me through.
The lack of salt drove me nutty in the hospital as well. But they do it for good reason. When I got home from the hospital my parents hit up jack in the box, at the time we weren't instructed to lay off salty food and the surgeons at the hospital told me that was mostly for heart disease patients. After I had the food in me, I started retaining water, turned anemic and was back in the hospital a week later. Doctors didn't realize what the problem was, gave me a blood transfusion. Finally I got hold of my cardiologist and he gave me some steroids. After a few evenings of racehorse-like bathroom trips, and some jokes that were only funny to the well-medicated I was back to my old self again.
I am so glad things are going so well. Tell her monkey boy says the food does suck!! Bring her one of her favorites........I had cheese cake smuggled in the second day.....hell they had just ripped open my chest, a little treat wasn't going to kill me:D

Give her my best..........Tom
terry_scott said:
Hi Everybody:

Just thought I'd give an update on my 87 y.o. MIL who had AVR surgery one week ago today-- recovery is progressing well with no complications. She came off the vent on the first try, was moved out of ICU on her 3rd day, and is progressing slowly with walking and PT. She hates the hospital food and the fact that they won't let her put salt on anything :eek: , but overall her spirits are good and she's highly movtivated to get back home (no mention yet of the "H" word from the docs.) She's a spunky lady and we're all delighted with how well she's doing.:)


Wow, that's great! If she can do it, I certainly can at 50! Thanks!
great news. My children brought a huge sandwich in for me plus some sugarless chocolates. I had no complaints about the hospital food - it was salted even tho my surgery was for quad bypass. My first meal was spaghetti & meatballs! No thin broths and jello.