KatieD's surgery on Tuesday

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I want to start this thread early as I know Katie is going to Dallas for her surgery on Tuesday and will be meeting with the surgeon on Monday. We wish you safe travels, a successful surgery and uneventful recovery, Katie. You will be back with your beautiful twins before you know it. I hope your brother or sister can post for you. Godspeed.
Katie, we know how rough this is on you and your family. Soon, however, you will be well on your way to recovery and getting your life back to normal. Hang tough. We are all very anxious to hear from you. God Bless.


Thoughts/prayers coming your way for a SUCCESSFUL surgery :).

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"We got mountains to climb" ... Rod Stewart ... 'Broken Arrow'
*Good luck and best wishes for a successful surgery Katie. Look forward to hearing its all over, and your recovery is smooth and uneventful.
best to you,

best to you,


Wishing you smooth sailing thru your surgery, and an uneventful and quick recovery. All the best to you and yours. Looking forward to hearing you are doing well.
Have a safe trip, Katie. I know that the surgery will go well, and you'll soon be home and recuperating with your family.
Hugs and best wishes!
Good luck!

Good luck!


Bon voyage!!

Am sending your sister, MaryC, a PM. I'll be in Dallas over the weekend & would love to drop in a minute at the hospital. After all, it's only 3.9 miles from my parents' doorstep!!
Thanks for the good thoughts and prayers. We made it to Dallas yesterday and I finally got to talk to Dr. Ryan today. I'm so impressed with him and have so much confidence in him. I'm feeling pretty relaxed and glad to be at the final hours at this point.

Marsha, I hope to be out of here on Friday or Saturday, but I know things don't always go as planned. It would be great to have you and your husband stop by if we're still here.
Hi Katie, I will keep you in my prayers tomorrow. I'm glad you were impressed w/ Dr.Ryan, that must make you feel a little better tonight, lyn
This is Sherri's (KatieD's) sister. Dr Ryan was able to repair Sherri's mitral valve yesterday afternoon through the port access procedure. She is in ICU today but I believe she will be moved to a regular room this afternoon or tomorrow morning. She's gotten to enjoy those famous ice chips and has moved on to her 1st meal.
Thanks so much for posting- a repair is wonderful and please tell Katie that we are all cheering for a quick and uneventful recovery!