Afib or Aflutter?

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A heart rate of 138 sent my father to the hospital. He was in A-flutter. Meds brought the rate down to 65, and during the next five days in the hospital it varied between 63 and 100, but for the most part stayed in the 60-80 range. - And he did remain in A-flutter.

He's been home for 2 days, taking Toprol, Verapamil, and warfarin. But his heart rate is now fluctuating much more. And I was wondering if the A-flutter is now A-fib.

While monitoring his heart rate at home is there any way to differentiate between the two?

Thank you so much for any information, or thoughts on these arrythmias.
Hi Lea,

I have also had these on occation over the last few years. Seems it happens to me about 2 or 3 times a year. I was on a 9 month lucky streak until early this morning. I went nto A-fib around 3 AM then into A-Flutter. Fortunately, I got back to normanl rhythm around 9:00 AM. I was dreading another trip to the ER. I think all the stress lately most likely brought it on. There are also other triggers that will bring it on, and they are mentioned in the links I provided below.

Here are a few sites to help you learn more about bout A-flutter and A-fib. is

I think you will find this one most helpful.

Hope your dad comes out of it soon. If you have any more questions, fire away, and I'll be glad to answer if I can be of help.

Rob -- How did you know you were in A-fib, and then in A-flutter? My Dad has no symptoms at all.

Thank you so much for this info. I really appreciate it.

Hi Lea

Speaking as one who has been in A-fib many times over the last 11 years, I can tell you that my symptoms, when AF occurs, are: racing, very erratic heartbeat, and low blood pressure. Actually I always know when I've gone into AF, it's almost like someone has flicked a switch from my nice steady sinus rhythm to a crazily beating (almost like mice running around inside my chest) state. When in AF my heart rate is around 140bpm plus. And it's a horrible feeling.
I had the Maze procedure done along with my valve replacement last Dec, and apart from a few brief episodees I have been in sinus rhythm since.

I envy your Dad having no symptoms:confused: did he know to go to the ER??
Hi Lea,

It is like Bridgette mentioned, "I always know when I've gone into AF, it's almost like someone has flicked a switch from my nice steady sinus rhythm to a crazily beating"

When I go into A-Fib, my heart beat is irregular, skipped beats mixed with a few fast beats. when I go into A-flutter, my heart races at a constant extremely fast beat. My pulse registers 154 beats per minute when this occurs. I can actually function better in A-flutter, than A-Fib. In A-fib, I feel week, light headed and out of breath.

Now, How can I tell that I am in A-fib or A-flutter, other than the feeling I get?

It is easy, I just take a finger and press in on either side of my neck, onto one of the carodid arteries, to feel and monitor my pulse. Try this yourself, you should be able to place your finger along the side of your neck, find the carotid atery, and feel you pulse. You can tell if it is steady, irregular, or extremely fast.

Hope this helps some,

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