Minimally invasive surgery - 2 valves to replace

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2001
Hi Gang,

I am looking for some information to help my mother. I would like to gain some insite on minimally invasive surgery , and also a good hospital recommendation for valve replacement in the Boston, MA area.

My mother was rushed to the hospital this weekend, and is OK, but her cardiologist told her that "it is time" to have her valves replaced. She has put this off for many years fearing the thought of surgery. Well, time slipped by and she is now 79.

Yesterday the doctor told her that she needs both of her valves replaced, with pig valves, and that it could be done with minimally invasive surgery. He also told her she would be out of the hospital in 3 days. Seems rather short to me, unless procedures have advanced, in that minimally invasive surgery requires less healing time than cracking the chest open for open heart surgery.

I have just heard all this 2nd hand from my dad, who is 80. I thought I would ask you about this to gain some knowledge, so that I can assist and best guide him to ask the right questions with the doctors.

Thanks for any help you can provide to me.

Sorry to read about your Mom, Rob. She's in a good city for valve replacement. She can't go wrong at either Brigham or Mass General. Dick had his minimally invasive avr at Brigham with Dr. Lawrence Cohn. Surgery on Thursday and out on Monday. Recovery is about the same, but he never had any sternum pain. Please feel free to pm me if you have any questions about Brigham.
I had minimally invasive surgery last June (as you'll see on my signature). The surgeon sliced under my right breast, and the hospital stay was shorter than anticipated. At my pre-op, the doctor told me to expect to stay at least a week, but then remembered I was going to have minimally invasive surgery, so he corrected himself and said that I may not be in the hospital that long. My surgery was on a Friday, and I was discharged Monday afternoon.

Although I wasn't cracked open a la OHS, I was still very sore with some sternum pain, rib pain, and the like. But, no matter how you cut it (no pun intended! ;) ) , heart surgery is still heart surgery and the recovery depends on the individual.

Best of luck to your mother, and I hope her surgery is successful and the recovery is short!

Debi (debster913)
Like Phyllis said, Boston is a great place for valve surgery. (if there is anything great about it) I had three valves replaced 2 yrs ago at Mass General. I had OHS not minimally invasive so I was in the hospital for nine days. Dr. Gus Vlahakes is a great surgeon:) I have never felt better!! I'm sure your Mom will be fine
I hope they are talking about one of the "new and improved" pig valves. Plain old Pig Valves straight from the pig typically last only 8 to 12 years (which may be enough, but maybe not) whereas the new and improved valves should be good for 15 years or so. I would also suggest looking at the new and improved Bovine Pericardial Valve from Carpentier-Edwards which they are hoping will go for 20 years or more. Even the original Bovine Pericardial valves are pushing 20 years when implanted in older (over 60) patients.

'AL Capshaw'
hi rob,
my dad had a mitral valve repair done at the age of 73 this past year. he had his avr done about 8 yrs ago and had minimally invasive surgery this time.
the surgeon, dr. stephen colvin, thought he would be replacing both the mitral and the tricuspid valves. when he went in he found that the mitral was reparable, and that the tricuspid had only a trivial leak.
if it had not been for his coumadin, my dad was up and ready to go home on day 4. it took almost a whole week for his coumadin levels to come up.
he took no pain meds and healed very quickly, much faster than his first surgery. in fact, he was hitting golf balls after a few months.

it's a remarkable surgery. i would definitely recommend it, especially for an older person.

i'm terribly sorry you have to go through this, but atleast it's a fixable thing.
please keep us posted. good luck and be well,

I just wrote a reply, but for some reason, it did not post:( . so.. I'll try again.:)

I wanted to thank all of you for your responses. I read them all to my dad, and they were very helpful. My mom has been to Brighams in the past, and it is a great hospital. Dad was pleased to hear that the minimal invasive surgery really does only require a short stay in the hospital, has a quick recovery period, and also that other seniors have had this done successfully.

I also told him of the valve selection choices that Al mentioned. This will indeed prompt him to ask some questions regarding valve selection options for my mom.

They are scheduling an appointment to meet with the doctor to discuss her surgery, and I will keep you all posted.

If you have any further info, or suggestions, please keep them coming as we still have time for them to inquire about all of this.

Thank you all again,

Hi Rob,

Wishing your Mother well on her forthcoming surgery. We will keep her in our thoughts and prayers. Sounds like she is in great hands. Also helps to have an educated Son;)

Are you still working over in Germany?
Hi Gina,

Thanks for writing. I'll be sure to let everyone know how my mom makes out with all this.

I am still working in Germany, and will be for the rest of this year and on into next. I'm home this week, but fly back on the 22nd of April until May 17th.
Not all work this trip though, I am going to take a week off, and my wife and I are going to go to Italy. We'll fly from Germany to Venice for 2 days, then after touring Venice, we are going to Florence for 3 days, and then on to the Amalphi coast for 4 days. We are really looking forward to it.

Are you still planning on visiting Germany this year? I work only 20 minutes from Cologne, or Koln, as they call it over there.

Hope you and the family are all doing well,
I wanted to thank all of you for your responses. I read them all to my dad, and they were very helpful. My mom has been to Brighams in the past, and it is a great hospital. Dad was pleased to hear that the minimal invasive surgery really does only require a short stay in the hospital, has a quick recovery period, and also that other seniors have had this done successfully

Dick was 70 at the time of his AVR at Brigham. He was in great shape before surgery which I am sure is a factor, but you can tell your folks that he is back to playing tennis, golfing, and riding his bike about 15 miles every Sunday.
Goodluck to your mum with her surgery. I was wondering why some people have minimal invasive surgery and others have ohs, is it because of different circumstances, sorry if its sounds dumb. I dont know what my son will be having next but minimal invasive sounds much better.
To Curtsmum:

To Curtsmum:

I often wonder the same when considering OHS/minimally invasive. I know, for me, my cardio/surgeon took into account my age (30 at the time of surgery) and physical structure. Except for my large bum :p , I'm fairly thin, and doing the less invasive surgery, I guess, was better for me. I don't know--guess I'd have to ask my cardio what he thinks.
Rob, I haven't been on much and missed this post. I am so sorry to hear about your mother and glad that she will be taken care of. My best wishes for her good recovery. I know you will keep us informed.

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