Hi Everyone,
Only Post Op day 6 from MV repair, but my nights have been anything but restful. I am literally changing my clothes/sheets 5 times a night from night sweats. I am only on Coumodin and Toprol, no more pain or sleep meds since Post Op Day 3. Anyone else experience this post op?
Also, can't say I'm loving the Toprol. My heart rate has been running high for me (90-110 range) and instead of lowering it, it raises it and makes me feel like crap-- lots of flutters, skipped beats etc about an hour after taking it. My cardiologist said it should be having the opposite effect.
3/9 MV Repair by Heart Port U Penn Presby
Only Post Op day 6 from MV repair, but my nights have been anything but restful. I am literally changing my clothes/sheets 5 times a night from night sweats. I am only on Coumodin and Toprol, no more pain or sleep meds since Post Op Day 3. Anyone else experience this post op?
Also, can't say I'm loving the Toprol. My heart rate has been running high for me (90-110 range) and instead of lowering it, it raises it and makes me feel like crap-- lots of flutters, skipped beats etc about an hour after taking it. My cardiologist said it should be having the opposite effect.
3/9 MV Repair by Heart Port U Penn Presby