Xmas fun Survey

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Hi Gang,

Well, the travel continues.. I will be over in Europe during the holidays, as the project I have been on becomes reality on Jan 2nd. Since I would only be able to take a few days off over Christmas, it did not make sense to fly home, only to turn around and fly back a few days later. So, my wife is going to come over to Germany and join my for the holidays. :)

The good news is that I am still going to take Dec 22 & 23 off, and that I have made arrangements for us to go to Austria for the Christmas holiday. We will leave the afternoon of the 21st, and stay in Nurmberg for the night so that we can visit the citiy's Christmas Market, then on to Austria. The German Christmas Markets are supposed to be wonderful. If I can capture some pictures, I'll be sure to share them.

In Austria,I found a wonderful hotel in Hintertux, high in the alps! We will arrive on the 22nd, and check out on the 26th to return to Germany. This should be a wonderful experience. We don't ski, but do plan on taking the lifts to the top of the glacier, and also doing some sledding, tobboggoning, and sleigh rides. The hotel is a wellnesss hotel, so yes,,, the spas, massages, saunas and mineral baths will also have a place on our "Things to Do" list.

Here is the web sight to the hotel. It is in Deutche, but you can click onto several of the pictures, and it will drill down into more pictures, and even an English version, however that version does not contain as much information.


This link will show you the Alps, and Hintertux, which is the village we will be staying in. This is one of the hightest villages in the alps, and is one of only a few places that has year round skiing. YIKES>... I am sure it will be cold.


When we return to Germany on Dec 26th, my wife will stay until Jan 4th. We'll get to experience New Years in Germany. Don't have any firm plans for that yet, but we are looking into what is available in the local area, or in Koln, (Cologne).

This will be the first holiday that will not be spent with family, but... since I wont be able to be in the states, We are going to make it very special for us.

We'll try and keep you posted as the adventure unfolds. Our fingers are crossed that the weather holds up so that we can both , arrive and depart from the hotel without incident. The trains only go so far up the alps, then local service is required. I understand that only vehicles with chain tires" are allowed. Getting snowed in at the train station doesn't sound like fun, but .. as long as they have a room available, getting snowed in on the day we return could result in an extra day at the hotel until the weather improves.

Merry Christmas to everyone...
( I was told the other night in Germany... " You Americans are so stange, not being able to say Merry Christmas" ... hmmmmmm - makes ya wonder)

My two Sons, their girl friends, Grandson, Mother and Stepfather, come to my house for Christmas. Can't do without their stockings. My Grandson always comes in, peaks at the fireplace, and says "Boy, I must have really been good this year." He is eleven, wonder how long Santa and keep up with him? He is Grammy's Angel.
RobThatsMe said:
We will leave the afternoon of the 21st, and stay in Nurmberg for the night so that we can visit the citiy's Christmas Market, then on to Austria.

I can't remember exactly, but it seems to me that "Silent Night" was written here. On the Muppets Christmas album with John Denver, John has a voice over during "Silent Night" and he tells how that song was written by someone at a church and had to have it arranged for accompaniment by instruments other than an organ because the church organ was broken at the time. I want to say it was written in Austria, but I cannot remember right now.....aye.
RobThatsMe said:
Merry Christmas to everyone...
( I was told the other night in Germany... " You Americans are so stange, not being able to say Merry Christmas" ... hmmmmmm - makes ya wonder)


Yes sir, it make ya think alot. Sometimes we are very strange, here in the land of the free.

Enjoy your Holidays........I mean Christmas and New Years. I am sure Cristi and yourself will make the very best of your time in Germany.
One day, I would love to spend some time there.

God Bless and be safe.

Ben & Family
knightfan2691 said:
I can't remember exactly, but it seems to me that "Silent Night" was written here. I want to say it was written in Austria, but I cannot remember right now.....aye.


Remind me to never play Trivial Pursuit with you!!!!!:eek: A GOOGLE search reveals:

"On December 24, 1818 the carol "Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht" was heard for the first time in a village church in Oberndorf, Austria."


We were there in the military from 1970 to 1974. We lived in several towns around Ramstein AB and enjoyed (and were invited) to several local activities. Enjoy.


Love the "old homestead". Do the signs say "NO TRESSPASSING" or "NO SMOKING". I think either one would apply.:p :p

Now back to the thread. Don't know what our plans for Christmas will be. We will either spend it here at home or maybe go down to St Petersburg to spoil a grandchild for a few days. Either way the short time off will be enjoyed by ME!!!:eek: :D

May God Bless,

Danny :)
We will be spending Christmas here in Denver, North Carolina! Our daughter, son-in-law, and two year old grandson will be coming from Roanoke. Since they're both teachers, we'll have them here for over a week!:D Just can't get enough of that grandbaby!! Our twin sons will also be here for Christmas with our two new daughter-in-laws. This will be our sons' first Christmas being married. The four of them are coming from Atlanta. One twin and wife will be here for five days, and the other twin and wife will be here for three days. I will cook our large meal on Christmas Eve. I usually fix a standing rib roast with all the fixins. We will open gifts Christmas morning and then have a big breakfast. We're all excited about Santa Claus coming as this will be the first Christmas that Braden (our grandson) has some clue about who he is. Now I just need to start my shopping and get the Christmas cards done!:D LINDA
The 22nd we will be traveling an hour away to my Mother's house for Christmas with my side of the family. Then the 23rd to my husband's side fo the family about 30 minutes away. The 24th and 25th will be at home with our boy's. The oldest will be home from college and is going on a ski trip with a bunch of friends to Colorado the 17th through the 20th. Lots of snow here, we got about 12 inches on Thursday evening. Now I am really ready for Christmas!
Wayne and I will be

Wayne and I will be

having a quiet Christmas - just us and the "kids" (cats and dog) here in the Rocky Mountains. We spent Thanksgiving with friends and thought about going back to Iowa for Christmas (where my family is) but we are just LAZY!! We don't want to travel and have a hectic Christmas. Besides, God willing, this will be our last Christmas (just us two) before the adoption. When we get our daughter, we will need to do the "extended family" thing more often.

I will make a roast and we will do all the usual - candlelight service Christmas Eve (oyster stew also! - tradition) and brunch (cinnamon rolls or egg casserole) on Christmas morning here at home - unwrapping gifts, etc.

I put up a new creche I bought last night (from Sam's Club no less!) - it is so beautiful and it reminds me just by looking at it what a beautiful season this is and the love of God by sending his Son to earth - no matter what your beliefs, it is a lovely time of year.

Merry Christmas to all of you!!

Christina L
gadgetman said:

Remind me to never play Trivial Pursuit with you!!!!!:eek: A GOOGLE search reveals:

"On December 24, 1818 the carol "Stille Nacht! Heilige Nacht" was heard for the first time in a village church in Oberndorf, Austria."


Ah, yes .. Oberndorf!!!!

I do love that Muppets and John Denver Christmas album....gotta get it out and play it this year!

Cort:33swm."Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
Soon:new pics+revision = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
"The stars might lie, but the numbers never do" ... Mary Chapin-Carpenter ... 'I Feel Lucky'
Church early Christmas Eve, Dinner at OUR HOME with daugher, husband, 3 grandchildren, dog, and cat.

We will plan to depart for Florida on Dec. 28th. Be there for New Year's!

MOST IMPORTANT, we will be in FLORIDA TO WATCH OHIO STATE WIN THEIR 13th GAME on Jan. 6h!!!! Go Buckeyes!!!
Home for Christmas

Home for Christmas

Alas, due to a scheduling conflict at work, I am off again this Christmas! We usually divide the staff into two groups, one who works Christmas, the other who works New Year's, then switch out the next year. I was off last Christmas, and get this one off, too.:D I still haven't quite figured that one out.

We will be traveling from the Roanoke Valley back to our mountian home in beautiful Richlands, VA. We spend the early part of Christmas Eve with my in-laws, then the rest of the evening at mom's with the rest of my tribe. Have a new Santa Suit, so I hope we have a bit of snow to offset the red a bit. Still have to color my beard, but it is turning white on it's own now.

Ho, ho, ho, and enjoy the holidays!
alas, Teresa and I have a Christmas party tomorrow night (Sunday School class) night in a BARNwith heaters, adjoining a house. The temp is expected to go to about 15 degrees. Bet we'll all end up in the house. I had a flu shot yesterday, am headachy and a bit nauseous. Maybe I oughta just stay home?
This looks like a good place to put pictures of our trek to get our Christmas tree. We've bought it at the same tree farm for the past 23 years, but it requires a certain level of commitment--it's eight miles from the nearest town and another two miles down a windy, dirt road.
Over the years, they've built a log cabin to house thousands of Christmas ornaments and knick knacks and recently added another building to make wreaths from the trees that aren't purchased.
Our granddaughter, Haley, was the only one who came along with us this year, but she had a good time!:)



Mary, that place looks amazing. It reminds me of the kind of stuff we'd like to do with our kids while they were kids. There's a Christmas store in Niargara-on-the-Lake we used to love wondering through. Now they're teenagers and Christmas isn't the same anymore. Unfortunately, it's too soon for grandkids.....not that I want them to have any right now!!! :eek:
WayneGM said:
Mary, that place looks amazing. It reminds me of the kind of stuff we'd like to do with our kids while they were kids. There's a Christmas store in Niargara-on-the-Lake we used to love wondering through. Now they're teenagers and Christmas isn't the same anymore. Unfortunately, it's too soon for grandkids.....not that I want them to have any right now!!! :eek:

Wayne:) :)
They've expanded over the years and opened a winery on the bluffs above the Mississippi River.
The first few years that we went, a group of friends and neighbors went along, and once we got back to town with the trees, we'd have a party and celebrate.
I am ever the optimist . . . I predict that our kids (five) will one day make the same pilgrimage to bring their Christmas trees home.
Mary said:
Our granddaughter, Haley, was the only one who came along with us this year, but she had a good time!:)

Well shoot ... I would've gone, if I had been there :).

Cute pics, Mary! BTW, I finally have posted the pics from my road trip from October ... in the 2006 road trip thread, if you are interested in seeing them!

Cort:33swm."Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
MCinfo.hobbies.RTs.pics.CHD = www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"I don't have time" ... Dido ... 'Sand In My Shoes'
With family in Whistler, B.C. (that's up in Canada, folks) -- one of the most beautiful places on earth! Skiing! Drinking! catching snowflakes with our tongues! yipee!

anywhere but LA! which is incredible much of the year but depressing at christmas (please don't decorate the palms!):rolleyes:
I have a T-shirt with "Top Ten Reasons to Become a Nurse". Number 9 is "Celebrate holidays with all your friends - at work". You guessed it, I'll be at work taking care of the little ones. Other than work I'm not sure what the plans are. I will spend a few days before Christmas with my parents and aunt. I don't know who else will join us. We usually go to church Christmas Eve and cook a big meal. I will have to leave my parents by noon on Christmas to drive straight to work. If my mother chooses to have Christmas at my sister's, I will leave my parent's house in the morning when they leave to go to my sister's and come home before I go to work. Its just to hard to get up early in the morning drive to my sister's, spend the morning there and drive 3 hours to work then work at least 8 hours. I just can't go from before 7AM to midnight anymore.

Have a very Merry Christmas

Christmas At Home.....

Christmas At Home.....

Even though I have to remain at home this year for Christmas, that won't stop me from going out, putting Christmas music on in the car and driving around looking at all the homes decorated with Christmas Lights....Simple though it seems, I really enjoy it..Harrybaby:D :D