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You want to see something gross, (probably not), but you should see the bottom part of my scar. You can totally see and feel my wires right through my skin, the loop and the twisty tie on the end!!:eek: Now you know why I'm getting them removed in a few weeks!!! I think I have 6-8 wires, I can't remember for sure.

I have never set off a metal detector in an airport. I was kind of bummed the first time I flew after my OHS. I wanted to see their reaction when my chest set off the wand, but it didn't happen and I've flown quite a few times since and no luck!!

I'm so surprised at the number of people that weren't told about the wires before they had surgery. I guess it is kind of a minor detail in the whole realm of things!!
Marguerite53 said:
How and why did you two get ahhold of your Xrays? They are truly fun!

Ben. Thanks for speaking up.....I just couldn't remember if it was silly talk, or true. I was halfway looking forward to trying it on myself but then found out about the dacron thread. :(


We got copies of Justin's xrays by going to medical records and filling out a form, Lyn
Frig Magnets

Frig Magnets

Wow, I couldn't believe what I was seeing the first time I saw my X rays. I thought some one had scribbled on the Film. They do look like bread wrapper ties. I didn't set off the metal detectors at the airport because I mentioned the valve when I got the ticket and they sent me through a different door. I did zip out in the kitchen and try the magnet thing...It sticks in three places on a nine inch scar!!
What amazes me.....

What amazes me.....

With all of the amazing technology that is used to "fix" heart problems. They close you up the same way mu grandfather taught me to fix a fence.
A piece of wire wrapped around, twisted a few times, & turn the sharp end under so no one gets cut.

Who else has tried the magnet thing? Remember, it has to be one of those skinny fridge magnets.
Hee, hee - it works! I have some of those words that you stick on the fridge and make sentences with, I will get one then take a photo and post it! :) Must choose a suitable word. ;)

And this is a different x-ray, it shows a valve quite nicely. Not sure which way is up or down! :)

I have tried and tried but it won't work I have a hairy chest so maybe the hair is getting in the way from making a solid stick.


You guys have given me quite a chuckle this morning - picturing you all standing in your kitchen trying to stick magnets on your chest; your family looking at you like your nuts! :D And Randy, not getting his to stick...too funny!! :D You know, you could play some really funny jokes on people that don't know you well.
My husband had his big toe cut off in a sawmill accident years ago. Sometimes when we go to the lake, he will start screaming that something bit him, and then hold up his foot - it is hysterical. He only lets it go one for a minute - not to scare anyone to death.
(BTW Randy - I am laughing in a good natured way - and mean no offense);)
Ben Smith said:
Actually, i can hang a fridge magnet from my chest and I do set off metal detectors, not all of them but some do go off. It's actually fun to screw with the attendant and finally show them the scar. I have more wires in my sternum than most. (Kinda a big guy.)

Damit! I think I got ripped off! I want to stick magnets to my scar too! Maybe I just gotta find a stronger magnet...
RandyL said:
I have tried and tried but it won't work I have a hairy chest so maybe the hair is getting in the way from making a solid stick.

I think I have 12 hairs on my chest.
So no problem here for that.

And Sue, That's not a very nice picture.:eek:
Well, actually it is a good one. :D
You guys and gals are too funny!:D ...now I am gonna have to try this magnet trick for myself...I got given all my x-rays from hospital so I know for sure I have alot of wire holding me together :cool: . Great pic Sue!.
Well, you know that curiosity killed the cat but I have to admit that I tried the magnet thing!! I confess that I was a little put out when they didnt stick! The least they could have done was give me a good party trick to amaze my friends with. I hate thinking about all those bread ties inside my body but something has to old me together when I get old!! :D Karen
I can't get them to stick on me either, to much chest hair.:D I wish it would grow on my head!:D :D
Hey Sue, I liked your other picture.:p
Marguerite53 said:
I don't have wires, apparently. My surgeon says he used dacron thread to sew my sternum shut. Said it was his experience that there is less risk of reaction/infection with the plastic. I would wonder if the plastic would unravel :eek: , but apparently not.

You can pull in a 550 pound marlin with dacron line and it doesn't stretch! I never thought of it until you mentioned it and obviously not many doctors have either. It sure would prevent a lot of problems caused by the wires:)
I really thought you guys were kidding about the wires and magnets; then I saw Sue's picture. On to the kitchen to get a magnet and try it on myself. And it did stick on various places. Now, I am a very thin guy so perhaps that has something to do with if it will stick or not. However, I am confused; I know magnets won't stick to stainless steel, or at least, I didn't think they would. So....., what is the composition of these wires that are holding us together?
I just went out to the garage to see if a magnet would stick to a stainless steel orthopedic implant; it did not. So, I wonder what is the content of these wires they use on us.
Ok now I am wondering which is weirder, that I am reading this thread or that I just went up and tried a fridge magnet on my chest..... which did stick the first time I tried it.
Now I remind you, I had wires in my chest since I was 5 years old. I never once tried to stick magnets to my chest till I read this!

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