Anyone ever hear about Heart Failure/Valve Trouble being a "tough case" for S.S.?

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give up!!!!! I need your encouragement when my day is here.... stay with your ship captain...


It took me 2.5 yrs to get mine. When the judge looked at the mountain of paperwork that sat before her she dismissed the states judment and dismissed the states so called experts (3 of them) because based on the perponderence of the medical evidence she concluded I was indeed disabled. She was very perturbed with the state and it shows in her final draft. I liked her because she got to the point.

But you may have to fight for it. As it should should not be a easy thing to gett. As the system is today it is the only control in place. I personally came across three very clearly not disabled people on disablility...I turned them in. All three were arrested for fraud.

One was a 17 yo basket bal player. If his knees were so bad, why was he still playing. He was getting $800/mo. Buying dope selling it for proffit. What a racket this kid thought he had.

I was told that if your Doc is in agreement with you, that you should be awarded. BUT, that is assuming your Doc understands and takes the time to fill out the proper paper work. My "retirement" was HIS idea, and his PA did all the documentation. She said not to even think about it, that with my symptoms and current "prognosis".... it would be approved. HA! Is that good news??
Harrybaby666 said:
Hi Hensy,
My appointment went as smooth as I had hoped that it would, but I am not happy with the lawyer...It seems as if one minute he is sure that I will get my ss this time, and the next minute, he is telling me I don't know...he just seems so wishy washy, almost like he is getting some kind of kickback from the Social Security Administration to "misguide" me, so that I will give up...I guess I will just have to wait and see what happens, and hope that it will go through...Harrybaby666 :( :eek: :( :mad: :eek:
Mine did that too, so don't use that as a basis. In honesty, they have no idea if you'll be approved or not and the don't want you to be pissed, if you don't win, at them. Mine told me before he called up to the hearings building that the ALJ was a real jerk and very hard to pass with. Then he told me that they had lost my file up there too. It's a bureaucracy and you know how that goes. :mad:
I am trying to think positive....

I am trying to think positive....

Hi Ross,
I am now just trying to think positive and concentrate on other things, as I have been in the hospital this week with chest pains, palpitations, and just plain not feeling good.. So I guess this means I need to not worry about things until I get a decision, as I think that the stress of this past hearing is what put me in the hospital. Take Care, Harrybaby666
Hi Tick Toc!!!

Hi Tick Toc!!!

Hi There Tick Toc,
I did get a medical form filled out by my Primary Care Physician that was supportive of my case, but the SS is going much much deeper than that. I really don't think my lawyer is trying hard enough to get it for me, so if for some reason I don't get it this time, I am going to start my next appeal with a new lawyer as well. I also think that the docs are not doing all they can to nail down my symptoms like they should...I have noticed that they seem to go on assumptions alot, assuming that because I am 38 that I am in better health than I really am....I mean, I got admitted to the hospital this past week because of the palpitations, and the chest pain, and all the staff cardiologist did was chalk it up to the bubbles in my soda...what a pile of nonsense!!!! I told them that I also get a swishing sound/sensation in my chest and I mean a very pronounced "swishing", along with pain that radiated from above my heart to my back, between the shoulder blades...Needless to say, I got discharged on Thursday with still no idea of what was going on, and I still feel like garbage today...What do I have to do, be on my deathbed before the SS will approve me? Oh, I didn't mean to vent tick tock, but this is getting rediculous...Take Care, Harrybaby666
I'm telling you, get the Blue Book and make your Doctors read what they are after for a favorable decision. It'll cut a lot of screwing around off.
I got the blue book...I just have to get it to Dr.'s

I got the blue book...I just have to get it to Dr.'s

Dont mind me Ross,
I did get the Blue Book, now all I have to do is get into see the docs. I have both appointments set up, and I will bring it to them. And thanks for the kick in the butt! LOL Harrybaby666 :D :D :D


I can also give you advice if you are denied at this time, repeal and go again with your doctor to testify that you are unable to work with your health issues. I have a cousin who messed himself up by working his odd yard jobs and was denied on his repeal. So make sure that the doctor agrees that you are unable to work any job. It has gotten harder to get on disability and be ready to go on food stamps also. One cannot live on disability only. Not enough to live on nowadays. And because of the changes in the Eighties, it is tougher to get disability. My mother was on it for years, and barely made it raising two kids and an ex who paid child support when he felt like it. After we kids were grown, still there was no way she could live on what she got per month. I wish you luck and hope you have other support. I even ahd a person try to get me on it, but my health is not that bad. I have a valve replaced and also diabetic. But I am still working and walking. I still wish you luck and hope you do not have to get another lawyer. If you do get rejected, appeal and get your doctor to appear in court with you. And be sure you are not working, the judge will make note of it. Take care and good luck.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
Sorry to jump into the thread and ask a somewhat unrelated question...but I have a question about PARTIAL disability and how one would go about that. Not that I plan on doing that now, but if I end up with chronic costochondritis I may need to have indefinite lifting restrictions placed on me as I move forward. The only reason I would consider trying to get a partial disability designation is so that companies would have to be more careful about discriminating against me for my inability to lift heavy things and/or get some help in education and training in a field that does not require any lifting.

Any thoughts?

Harry, good luck with your upcoming decision. I like your attitude of trying not to stress over it while your's out of your hands for now.
Hi McLin

Hi McLin

Hi McLin,
Thanks for your encouraging words. I am only really trying for SS because I have so much wrong with me and I have run into too many employers that don't want a sick person in his or her employ....and with what I have, you can't hide it....I also have diabetes, along with other multiple illnesses, and I have tried to keep working, but it's just not in the cards, so I just have to keep telling myself that I will eventually prevail. I worked 2 jobs for 16 years and therefore I feel as though I pulled my weight..and this is why I am pulling real hard for it...I know it doesn't seem alot of time, but I couldn't help getting sick...anyway, thanks for the encouragement, and I hope all is well with you and yours...Take Care, Harrybaby666 :D :D
Hi Bryan

Hi Bryan

Hi Bryan,
Thanks for your encouraging words. The best thing you could do as far as applying for partial disability is CONTACT A LAWYER WHO SPECIALIZES IN SOCIAL SECURITY FIRST...The reason I say this is that they should be able to help you get everything together and answer any questions you may have. I didn't realize at the time that my Lawyer does not do SS exclusively, but does other legalities as well...This was my first mistake....but if I don't get it this time, I will be seeking a strictly SS Lawyer...I hope this helps in some small way.

By the way, how are things down where you are? Did you get any of the Hurricane? I hope not, as you guys have had enough....Up here in New Hampshire, we had a REAALLLY Rare Tornado today.... :eek: :eek: :eek:
thank god it was about an hour from where I am....Take Care, and thanks again. Harrybaby666
Thanks for the advice Harry. Actually I'm back in TN right now, but I called my parents and they are calling for a possibility of 6-8" of rain in Raleigh and parts east of there from Gaston. I'm heading back to NC on Thursday to dog-sit for 10 days while my parents visit friends who just bought a home near Gulfport MS. I'm not liking the looks of Frances. It's still pretty far away, but the Weather Channel puts it off the coast of FL in about 5 days. From there who knows if it will hit FL again or take a right turn and go up the east coast.
McCln said:
I can also give you advice if you are denied at this time, repeal and go again with your doctor to testify that you are unable to work with your health issues. I have a cousin who messed himself up by working his odd yard jobs and was denied on his repeal. So make sure that the doctor agrees that you are unable to work any job. It has gotten harder to get on disability and be ready to go on food stamps also. One cannot live on disability only. Not enough to live on nowadays. And because of the changes in the Eighties, it is tougher to get disability. My mother was on it for years, and barely made it raising two kids and an ex who paid child support when he felt like it. After we kids were grown, still there was no way she could live on what she got per month. I wish you luck and hope you have other support. I even ahd a person try to get me on it, but my health is not that bad. I have a valve replaced and also diabetic. But I am still working and walking. I still wish you luck and hope you do not have to get another lawyer. If you do get rejected, appeal and get your doctor to appear in court with you. And be sure you are not working, the judge will make note of it. Take care and good luck.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
I will vouch for everything said here. It is the truth. Disability does stink and there is no way you can live on it. It helps, but it's far from something to consider living on. Don't forget also that if your eligible for Medicare, your benefit is further reduced to cover the premiums for Parts A and B of Medicare and if you choose to participate in a Medicare HMO, you still pay more yet to them. Cost of Living Increases are a real joke. What they give you, they take twice away in Medicare premiums as they rise also.

In other words, you are not going to live comfortably on Disability. I hope your not planning on it. It is full of hardships. ;)
Hi Ross,

Hi Ross,

Morning Ross,
I hear what your saying about the not being able to live decently on SS, but I was going to look into some rehabilitation like Bryan B. wants to, so that I could maybe get something working on computers to help suppliment my disability, although no guaruntees, but I do still have some hope that I might be able to work part time, even though I know full time work is definitely out of the question now...Thanks for your every encouraging words, and I have definitely taken what you and others have said to heart. Take Care, Harrybaby666 :D :D :D
Morning Bryan

Morning Bryan

Hi Bryan,
Funny, I thought you lived in SC....silly me. I know the Gulfport MS area well, and it's very nice down there (I went to visit my brother when he was in a military hospital in Biloxi). I think your parents will have a great time if the weather holds. Meanwhile, I hope Frances stays completely away from SC and the US...we have had enough trouble with the funny weather this year....Take Care, Harrybaby666 :D :D :D
If you can work part time, then under their rules, you are not disabled. You can make some money, but I'll have to check to see what the limit is.
I checked..

I checked..

Hi Ross,
I have looked into that and I can make 799.00 above what I get. I know it's not much but it would help. this is what I meant by working....just enough to stay under the limit but suppliment what I would be getting on SS. something to do with computers hopefully. something to help me feel better about myself ...Harrybaby666
We evaluate the work activity of persons claiming or receiving disability benefits under Social Security Disability Insurance. Beginning January 1, 2004 a Social Security Disability beneficiary can earn $810 a month and remain eligible for benefits. The amount for 2003 was $800. The Social Security Administration uses the term "substantial gainful activity" (SGA) to determine if work is substantial enough to make a person ineligible for benefits. Under the new rule monthly SGA earnings limits will be automatically adjusted annually based on increases in the national average wage index. This amount applies to people with disabilities other than blindness.

If you are blind, effective January 2003, earnings averaging over $1,330 a month generally demonstrate SGA. For January 2004, the blind SGA amount was increased to $1,350.

There are other provisions and work exclusions that you should know about and we recommend that you read The Redbook on Work Incentives which can be found at
Harrybaby666 said:
Hi Ross,
I have looked into that and I can make 799.00 above what I get. I know it's not much but it would help. this is what I meant by working....just enough to stay under the limit but suppliment what I would be getting on SS. something to do with computers hopefully. something to help me feel better about myself ...Harrybaby666
You can help me help people remove spyware and then you might not like computers or people anymore. :D