World's First Awake Cardiac Bypass & Valve Surgery, India

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Even "straight forward" procedures can go wrong.
Most CABGs and VRs are textbook procedures, with the speed bumps occurring during convalescence, but I can't imagine being on the OR table and hearing, "Oh, crap (or worse ;) )! She's bleeding! Quick, put her under!"

I'll take happy juice for the procedure.

I've had some general surgeries and my surgeon has this way of saying things without actually saying anything intelligible during a procedure, if that makes any sense. He just kind of mumbles as if to not let me know what he's doing while directing the nurse. He'd usually hide the instruments from my line of sight too. I have to believe they're going to avoid saying oh crap :D
Millions of East Indians can't be wrong WRT their choice of venue for cardiac surgery...

Medical tourism is big business. Don't imagine for a minute that because surgery takes place in India it will be performed in a substandard way or in a substandard facility. Open your mind.
I've heard that the hospital in Delhi is one of the best in the world for heart surgery. I'll still pass on being awake!!!:eek:
I had an indian doctor and I couldn't understand the guy so I "let him go". My mom still sees him though. If you know who doctor nick is from the simpsons, that's kinda who he reminded me of. Scary.
No thank you very much, I wouldn't have wanted to be awake, no way. When I had my second child I had an epidural and it ceased to work after a time even though they topped it up. I am quite happy to have been knocked out even if it did mean a tube down my throat, but as I don't remember waking with that it was no problem for me.
I don't doubt the skill of the surgeons or level of care given in India. I'm sure there is superlative and mediocre, same as everywhere. Not all heart surgeons are of the same skill but most complete mostly successful surgeries.

But, Nope...... not me. I would never want to be awake for heart surgery. I asked for lots of sedation for my TEE and Cath and would do the same if need those tests in the future.
This is awesome (WOW);)

But somehow after things i was awake for lately and awake
during angiogram.......I have to say "PASS"
I wouldn't have the strenght for this:eek:
But all the best for the strenght some endure for it.:confused:

zipper2 (DEB)
India is rapidly becoming cutting edge for heart surgery. Don't let the location fool you.

A great deal of the risk from all types of surgeries comes from the problems inherent with general anesthesia. Little known fact; over 10,000 surgical deaths a year occur in the US as a result of anesthesia complications. This has to be much higher when considered world wide.

I am going out on limb and predicting that this may very well be the way of the future.