My Son Chris

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The boy must think we are of the Royal House of Saud or something. Where does he get off thinking we can afford to shell out $150 a day?

Looks like maybe you all will have to start pimping me out.
I'll just go out to my money tree out back and gather a bushel for you. At least that's what my kids think we do.
If all holds true and home health care is arranged, Chris will be coming home tomorrow for a short while, before his next surgery.

I sure hope things turn out okay and home health care is approved by someone other than you and Lynn.

Still praying for you all. Now, where's that winning lottery ticket.;) :D ;)
I'll say some prayers everything works out and Chris gets home tomorrow. I know it will be hard, but have to think it will be much better for you too, to be able to see him and not worry about getting rides to the hospital or spending hours in the hospital rooms. How has your health been? I know the accident wasn't much after your bleed so you never really got the time to rest and recover yourself, Lyn
Lynlw said:
I'll say some prayers everything works out and Chris gets home tomorrow. I know it will be hard, but have to think it will be much better for you too, to be able to see him and not worry about getting rides to the hospital or spending hours in the hospital rooms. How has your health been? I know the accident wasn't much after your bleed so you never really got the time to rest and recover yourself, Lyn

I'm beat and exhausted, but still going. This will be a relief to an extent. I guess we'll see how it all works out. The patient care coordinator was trying to work something out with Home health. I told her to contact the attorney since the funding is most likely going to come from the victims compensation fund. If they're smart, they'll play ball. That is one way that they will get their money, just not as fast as they'd like. If they start forcing payment, Chris has nothing, so can pay nothing or claim bankruptcy, in either case, they'll get nothing.
Let's hope this is the start of less stressful, happier days for you all.
Good Luck , I hope the transition from hossy to home goes relatively smoothly...I am still praying for you guys...

love & hugs
Sounds like some good developments with Chris and for your family. We're so glad Chris will keep his foot. Continued prayers go out for Chris and parents too.
hi ross,
i agree that chris will be a happier camper at home. i hope things start to work out and go a lot smoother than before...
still thinking of you and praying.
thanks for keeping us posted.
wishing all the best,
Been updating myself on your post. Great to hear that the graft took!! Now on the money side of things:rolleyes: , I live in the country, maybe I can go around to all the farm houses and start digging up their money jars buried in their back yard!:D
Having them go through the attorney! Excellent choice!! Good Luck with everything and will continue to send prayers!!
It appears everything that Chris has complained about as far as their lack of communication is true. This whole day has been wasted waiting for a simple answer about home care, then come to find out that the Doctor has NOT YET written down what it is that he expects. He told us this verbally last Thursday and told his crew to make it so and it has NOT HAPPENED. I told the PCC that she needs to call the Doctor and get it straight from him and stop this nonsense. They are costing themselves money now and I don't feel sorry for them. Perhaps Chris will be home tomorrow? :confused:
Sorry, Ross

Sorry, Ross

GEEZ - I haven't been on this site for about 2 weeks and had no idea -- just read through the 19-20 pages, and it sounds like things are finally getting a little better. Sure hope your son gets to go home real soon. Won't it be nice to have Mom and Dad taking care of him.

I'll keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers, all of you.

Glad to hear things are looking better for Chris and all of you. We are heading for the mountains for our anniversary tomorrow and I will not have access to a computer for a week. You all will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Ross - I'm glad your boy may get to come home and I hope it all goes well for him and you and your wife. Hang in there.
After a long afternoon of miscommunications between the Doctor and hospital, Chris is finally home. I'm beat, so nothing else need be said right now besides thank you for your prayers, cards, and support.
Glad he's home Ross and hope all goes smoothly for a while and that you all get some much needed rest. Best wishes to Chris and I hope he knows how many valvers are praying for him.