My Son Chris

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Continuing to offer prayers. Let's hope that another graft will work.
I have just read the updates on yoru son. YOu are going through such a difficult time right now. I wish there was something more I could do to help. Having watched my friend have heart surgery and then all the problems with his leg....I know he experienced similar agonies except that they removed so much tissue from the leg he doesn't have much feeling down there anymore. I am sure Chris is dealing with much more pain. I did a bunch of research on the pros and cons of amputation for my friend. I found a forum for amputees similar to this one. It make not come down to amputation, but if it does it might be helpful for Chris to read about other people who have experienced similar situations and have triumphed over it. I can dig that site up if you need me too. Helen Keller said" The world is full of suffering, but it is also full of overcoming it." May you find a bit of hope this day to lighten your load. Thinking and praying for you.... Janea
Ross, I'm praying for Chris and his situation at this moment and praying for you and Lyn. I'm hoping and praying that since there is good blood supply to the foot, that something can be done to save his foot. I will be praying for peace of mind and heart for all of you. Just know that we are here for you and yours. LINDA
Oh, Ross..............

Oh, Ross..............

((((hugs)))). We have been gone a few days and am just now catching up with the latest news on Chris and the scumbag who hit him. Y'all have not left our thoughts and are topping our prayer list. As for the scumbag, it's too bad we don't have an eye for an eye type of justice. Please do contact the DA's office. It can't hurt..............and ask them what happened to the three strikes you're out thing? Anyway, please keep us posted. Hugs. Janet

I haven't been on the forum much. I've read about what has been happening but have not been able to post. Busy at work and my computer is giving me problems again at home. I finally got the computer to work, for how long I'm not sure. I'm very sorry to read about all that has happened with the accident and all that's happened since. I just want to let you know my thoughts prayers are with you and Chris, Lynn you and your family. God be with you and your family at this very trying time!
So sorry all this has happened. I just got back from out of town and read through all the "news". Maybe he is a "bad" patient because he still has pent up anger from all that has happened.Even though it seems to definately be justified, it is not helping him get better for himself or those around him and caring for him.Maybe there is a counselor that can talk him into being more positive,meditate against the pain,etc. Again when it rains, it pours on your family. Wishing/praying for better direction,health,and support your way!!
This is the first thread I check everytime I come on, hoping for some progress...

We are all praying hard for a miracle,

You are doing a fabulous job Ross...

I hope and pray there is some good news about his foot/ankle really soon.
Ross.. Does this mean he is not having another surgery today (Tuesday?)
Still praying here.
I read this as a very positive move on the doctor's part. He apparently feels that there is hope for it to "catch on" and start healing, otherwise, he would be taking him into surgery fast.

It's not over till it's over--
Prayers coming your way. Those foot things are so dicey - and he had catastrophic damage to it. Seems your boy would be better off in a military hospital where all the guys have huge damage to their extremities - might cure the poor me's.

Take care of yourselves.
Ross, I am at a loss for how to offer comfort to ones who have experienced so much pain. It does sound as if giving it more time is a positive thing. I hope and pray that with time Chris' foot will heal. Your own trials in life have made you just the man to help him through would seem that dealing with the healing is something you really can help with.
You all are still in my prayers also! Hopefully this is a good sign and the graft will start to take. Hang in there!
hi ross,
i agree with nancy. it seems like the doc wants to give it the time he feels it may need to heal.

chris, lyn, you and your family remain in our thoughts and prayers.
sending big hugs your way,

Although I haven't posted lately I've closely followed each and every post.

Prayers and good thoughts continue your way for you, Lyn, Chris and the rest of your family. Just remember even if we can't be there in person we are with you always thru prayer. You've got a lot of shoulders to lean on.

OUCH, get off. It's Mary's turn. :p :D Sorry.:eek: :eek: :eek:

May God Bless,


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