I need Prayers for my sister Florence

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I am very sorry about your sister, Gladys.

Amyloidosis has been diagnosed in cats and dogs. The organs most commonly affected are the kidneys and liver.

If you're interested in more information about amyloidosis, you might want to google Dr. Leslie Lyons. She's a geneticist at University of California-Davis vet school, but has done lots of work on the human genome project with the U.S. government (I think the National Institutes of Health).
Dr. Lyons may know if the gene has been found in the human for amyloidosis. She has a website.

Again, my condolences.
Dear Lorraine,

My deepest condolences on the loss of your sister Gladys! The pain of her passing & knowing that your other two siblings are seriously ill as well, has got to be so devasting for you & your family.

Please stay strong & try to take care of yourself too. My prayers to you!
Mary, Freddie, Marsha, Janie and Norma thank you for your conolences and kind words.

Janie: Yes sisters are special. I am very close to all my sisters. There were seven of them and now there are five left. I will send you an email sometime this weekend.

Marsha: Thanks for your information. I never thought about animals getting Amyloidosis too. wow! I will look up that information after the funeral tomorrow.

Mary and everyone else. At this point I have a little better news about my sister Florence. After they drained the fluid on Saturday, she was doing better so they moved her to rehab Monday for three weeks. I actually got to talk to her. She is still very weak from the colon operation and seems very angry. we all understand that. I was just happy to talk to her. We decided not to tell her about Gladys at this time, because she would have demanded to be released from the hospital so she could come up here. She is not strong enough for that, and she still needs to be monitored closely. I believe in a month they plan to operate on her carotid arteris if all is well. Thanks again for eveyone's continued prayers.
Lorraine, I was not on here yesterday so I just found this. deepest sympathy to you and your family on the loss of your dear sister. You are going through a really bad time right now. Three of them at once being so ill is so sad. I pray you will have the strength to get through it all. I am praying for you.
So sorry to read your update. Keeping you close in thought & prayers. My sincerest sympathies to you & your family.
Lorraine i just read your post,oh this news saddens me,

You poor girl,oh so much to deal with.

My deepest condolences to you and your family...(HUGS) and prayers.

zipper2 (DEB)

I've been offline for a few days, so just seeing this now. Very sorry ... thoughts/prayers coming to you and your family.

It was good to talk to you on the phone Sunday morning.

Cort | 35swm | "Mr Monte Carlo"."Mr Road Trip" | pig valve.pacemaker ...MidW Blast = 01/17/09
WRMNshowcase.legos.HO.models.MCs.RTs.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"My time here is over" ... Patty Loveless ... 'How Can I Help You Say Goodbye?'
Ann, Deb, Cort: Thank you for your condolence. It has been a very traumatic week.

Cort; I am glad I talked to you too. Little did I know, though I suspected it, that my sister Gladys was literally already gone by the time I talked to you. Thanks for calling.
My deepest condolences

My deepest condolences

Lorraine;34646 said:
My deepest condolences, Lorraine,

Sorry for the delay in sending my condolences, but 'better late than never' and prayers are always useful...prayers are sent towards all of you to help you through this difficult time. And may God rest her soul in eternal peace.

We were seven sisters also, but I lost two: one in 1970 she was 23; I was 19 and it was a big shock for me as we were v close friends too and all had happend within a month from diagnosis with acute leukemia; and another sister died 3 years ag at age 59 after battlingwith Stage IV of OC for four years!! YEs, God was merciful and granted her four years...so I know how much it breaks the hearts of loving sisters, but out love to God helps us to continue surviving and giving our love to their kids or to other kids of God.
During my surgery my sister from Sacramento came and stayed with me a whole month from day before surgery until she made sure I was really dependable. Nothing like loving sisters ---a very close family and sisters are blessings.
Ann, Deb, Cort: Thank you for your condolence. It has been a very traumatic week.

Cort; I am glad I talked to you too. Little did I know, though I suspected it, that my sister Gladys was literally already gone by the time I talked to you. Thanks for calling.

You are welcome, Lorraine.

I can imagine how traumatic the past week has been for you. If you ever need, you have my cell#....

BTW ... I expect to have some news to share about the January 17 gathering ... looks like I have secured a group rate ... I'll post about that in that thread early this week ;).
Lorraine, I am late to this thread, but just want to post my sincere sympathy. May all your fond memories sustain you at this difficult time.